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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by mrgeoff View Post
I personally don't touch the registry files directly. I'm sure I would screw it up something fierce lol.

When you build a package, you can create a RGU file. That file can contain Registy entries that will be ran when the package is integrated. Also, you can build a option.xml file for each package. That XML file will allow you to use BuildOS to enable/disable a package.
I'm not talking about building a OEM package......most programs can be found already in an OEM.....but I know what you're saying about the OEM having the registry settings in the .rgu file.

I just wasn't clear what needed to be "updated" in the registry for that step in the process. btw, that was a cut/paste from Dogguys readme. Is it simply to make registry tweaks like you would do after flashing....ie battery tweaks?

this is the step I'm referring to:

-- Step 2 --
Step 2 involves adding, modifying and deleting packages and files. This is where the customizations really happen, and is the meat and potatoes of rom building.

During this stage you can:

1) Delete files and directories in OEM to remove them from the rom.

2) Edit the registry files (default.hv, user.hv). Under Tools\HV Tools\ are all the .bat’s necessary for converting to and from .txt files. I’ll give you a quick synopsis of how to modify these files, but it is up to you to finish the research for a full understanding. Under SYS\Metadata\ you will find the default.hv and user.hv files. Copy whichever one you need to modify to the Tools\HV Tools\ directory. Run the matching xxx_to_text.bat file. Open the resulting .txt file, and before doing ANYTHING else, add the line REGEDIT4 to the top, and have one blank line immediately following it, preceeding the rest of the file. Next, choose File --> Save As… and change the Encoding type to “Unicode”. Not Unicode Endian or Txt or anything else. Close the document and verify that your new .txt file is substantially larger than the original .hv file. If it is, you’re in good shape. Open it back up and edit to your hearts content.

When you’re finished, the steps to complete the process are: Delete the original .hv file in the Tools\HV Tools directory. Run the appropriate make_xx_hv.bat. Delete the resulting boot.rgu. Move the new xx.hv file back to SYS\Metadata and overwrite the original. Fin.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 07:58 PM
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Well.... I haven't *ever* modified the those hv files. I actually built an oem package from scratch that had all my battery tweaks and other tweaks in the rgu file.

One thing to look out for is the provxml files found throughout the OEM directory. They are ran during first boot and will always overwrite any registry edits you make with theirs. I usually edit the provxml files or comment their registry edits.
This is why I would love to see an official kitchen instead of the ghetto-rigged (a good one though) kitchen. The kitchen would have that seperated and packaged correctly.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 08:58 PM
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those hv files never show up after i break down the nbh
aslso how would one go about modifying the initail customization that occurs after flashing a new rom?
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 10:20 PM
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What do you mean by modifying the customization?
  #25 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2008, 12:46 PM
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You mentioned an os.nb file, whats that for and what do we do with it? I already Prep'd it with nu2chem's 6.1 Build 700, then I deleted the OEM and SYS folders that extracted from the prep. Inserted the OEM, SYS, and I'm not sure what to do with the SYS_OPT? It's mentioned that livesearch is in there but I couldn't find it. What do you do with the SYS_OPT folder?
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Old 02-07-2008, 12:51 PM
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Not to sound like a pain in ... but someone should make a step by step tutorial (with screen shots if possible) that would make it easier for beginners like myself to learn how to cook roms and reduce the number post that contain the same questions.
  #27 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2008, 01:57 PM
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What's the deal with the XIP? What is it, and do I need to replace the one in nu2chem's rom? I'm on BELL, not sprint, so are there any other changes I should make before flashing my phone?
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2008, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by mrgeoff View Post
Well.... I haven't *ever* modified the those hv files. I actually built an oem package from scratch that had all my battery tweaks and other tweaks in the rgu file.

One thing to look out for is the provxml files found throughout the OEM directory. They are ran during first boot and will always overwrite any registry edits you make with theirs. I usually edit the provxml files or comment their registry edits.
This is why I would love to see an official kitchen instead of the ghetto-rigged (a good one though) kitchen. The kitchen would have that seperated and packaged correctly.
I just built my first Touch ROM.....I did try to update the registry using the instructions I posted b4, but when I went to convert back to .hv I kept getting errors, so I aborted the registry tweaks via that method. Could you post your OEM for registry tweaks? I think I like your way better....thx....hook a fellow floridian up bro!

Also, I'd like to write up a step by step, once I work out the kinks.....it's really not that difficult, it's just a matter of finding the time & pullin the trigger.

Last edited by OMJ; 02-07-2008 at 02:58 PM.
  #29 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2008, 03:26 PM
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I get errors in the oemizer whenever a dulicate file writes to that one directory where it puts all the files in the personal folder. What do you guys do to avoid that?
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2008, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins View Post
I just built my first Touch ROM.....I did try to update the registry using the instructions I posted b4, but when I went to convert back to .hv I kept getting errors, so I aborted the registry tweaks via that method. Could you post your OEM for registry tweaks? I think I like your way better....thx....hook a fellow floridian up bro!

Also, I'd like to write up a step by step, once I work out the kinks.....it's really not that difficult, it's just a matter of finding the time & pullin the trigger.

I can upload my OEM to my folder later, but any registry error you might get means that you have a syntax error in a rgu file.

You might want to check the logs to see which rgu it's coming from. Trust me, you don't know how many times I have had registry errors when using buildos lol
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