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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2008, 12:27 AM
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So who's going to extract the GPS stuff for our Touch

Should the GPS and Rev. A updates that the mogul got just be part of the radio rom? If so who can extract that and post it up here for us touch users?
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Old 01-26-2008, 01:20 AM
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I doubt it would work. Remember the Mogul folks were unable to extract the Touch's Bluetooth.

Possible yes, but lots of work required and doubtful of it actually happening.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2008, 02:43 AM
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This "mogul update" has tons of bugs and more issues than benefits right now.

After reading their forum I'd say less than 25% are impressed.

That being said, the fact that there are improvements shows that it can be done. Otherwise HTC wouldn't even try. Seems like they're getting close, but not close enough yet.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2008, 02:53 AM
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Originally Posted by patmannyc View Post
This "mogul update" has tons of bugs and more issues than benefits right now.

After reading their forum I'd say less than 25% are impressed.

That being said, the fact that there are improvements shows that it can be done. Otherwise HTC wouldn't even try. Seems like they're getting close, but not close enough yet.
Thus the reason it's not an official update. Any time you mess with non-finished code (and heck, sometimes even finished code) you can expect it to break a few things along the way.
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:56 AM
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That why I put it in quotes.

Something happened in the past 2 hours, because it seems more and more people are getting this ROM running. So it may be sooner than later. My fingers are crossed for you guys, luckily for me the q9h workaround was discovered before I bought it
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2008, 03:21 PM
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Just a note for everyone since i know people are excited about the opportunity. To run this new radio image that includes the GPS feature on the mogul you need a 2.xx bootloader. These codes are EXTREMELY device specific and ultimately critical. I know it's been done before to move a mogul radio to a touch, but it is currently impossible for this radio to work on a touch spl anyway. This means even if hardware for gps is present the radio image will not be able to function due to the missing bootloader features. Someone really truly willing to have a large chance at a brick could test the 2.05 SPL on a vogue but i would NOT recommend that.

EDIT: I just did a test and the titan SPL won't even soft boot onto the vogue, this means it's not going to be possible at this point

So for now i'd wait for a touch rom at least with a 2.xx bootloader (if one comes avail an unlocked version will be made fairly quickly) then some more can be tested with a little less risk, but still not for joe user to test out first.
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
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Last edited by ImCoKeMaN; 01-26-2008 at 03:54 PM.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2008, 05:18 PM
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Thanks for the info CokeMan.

Is this 2.xx bootloader a custom bootloader or an HTC bootloader?

If HTC then Given that the Vogue was released around the same time as the last official sprint ROM for mogul why do the bootloaders differ so much?

If Custom then why can't a custom loader be built for vogue?

Is this an "unofficial" release of a ROM from HTC for the mogul?

One more question. I always expected both devices to eventually get AGPS officially. But it's sounding like the Mogul talk is talking about a real GPS that uses satellites (I’d seen references in Mogul threads talking about how many satellites and how or if it’s locking. AGPS uses CDMA to calculate position. If this is so does it apply to Vogue as well?

I know if anyone would give a clear answer you would, thanks.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2008, 05:28 PM
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there has been at least one report of someone updating a non activated mogul and getting gps functionality.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2008, 08:00 PM
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2.05 is a new bootloader version from HTC, it just came about with this 3.16 leak. It is an MFG not a Shipped bootloader so it also has extra goodies, but that won't be the case with the official shipped rom SPL. 2.40 is the unlocker one to allow custom roms. None of this changes the underlying hardware level factors between devices. One of the most glaring that will definitely cause issues is the ram. They are different devices and the SPL is the lowest level code we see. They are not interchangable for devices even if very similar.

A 2.xx MFG release from htc for a vogue would make me more apt to try the radio as i stated earlier, but still not something i'd recommend for those not willing to own a fancy paperweight.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2008, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by patmannyc View Post
This "mogul update" has tons of bugs and more issues than benefits right now.

After reading their forum I'd say less than 25% are impressed.

That being said, the fact that there are improvements shows that it can be done. Otherwise HTC wouldn't even try. Seems like they're getting close, but not close enough yet.
i dont' know what forums you have been reading but 25%? hahah get real.. more like hi 75+ % and the ones who don't got it working bug-free and are the ones who probably have never done a rom update or even know how to work their pda / wm device to the max extent.

if you know what your doing and are able to tweak and work your way around technology, go ahead and do this update.. its working for the GREATER majority of users.

btw, a lot of users that have the update working 100% don't post on forums.. b/c they have no reason too..

why do people on forums always complain about something? they are either just ignorant or just playing the devils advocate
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