Originally Posted by eehrhard
Generally speaking the more a device tries to do the worse it is at doing all of it. I want my phone to excel a being a PDA and a phone first and formost. If these new drivers reduced my battery life I may have to skip them anyway.
Actually having the correct hardware support for video would make the phone run better overall, especially in terms of battery life. Right now your main processor is doing double duty crunching numbers and processing 2d output including any windows. It is a highly known fact that any dedicated GPU can process much more video data at a lower clock speed than any cpu. I forget the exact numbers but when GPUs first came out it was something like a 100mhz GPU could process DVD(Mpeg2) video easier than a 1ghz Pentium 3 could. Now just imagine the power difference between those two devices and translate that to a device that only has an 1100mah power source.
Originally Posted by dew.man
I just don't understand why there's so much more talk about the video performace rather than the SD bug (which was a promissed feature)...
Any why are the SlingBox people blaming the HTC device rather than demanding better software from SlingBox? My Orb streams withouth any hickups via TCPMP...
With TCPMP you can choose which rendering method is used. I'm sure you don't have your TCPMP set to DirectDraw. DirectDraw in the windows world whether it be desktop or mobile is a standard. SlingBox's software is using the DirectDraw acceleration, but because HTC's DirectDraw drivers aren't linking to the hardware you're getting software rendering of video.
Originally Posted by dew.man
So what about the Video Out capabilities of the chipset? Are we entitled to an RCA video out jack?
In many ways, some of my old laptops with Windows 98 will out perform/run circles around my brand new one with Vista.
We aren't entitled to the RCA Video Out Jack. The chip that supports the jack is a feature of the board, but the jack itself is not a standard of the MSM 7X00 boards.
A more apples to apples example would be if your old laptop and your new one both ran the same operating system and the old laptop performed just as well or better than the new one.