I also have a question about roms as well. If we try out jd's rom or any others any way to get it back to "stock" if we do not like the new rom. I know on the mogul you could go to htc's website and download the latest rom but I dont see one for the touch. So im afraid to do it in fear i may not like it and not be able to go back to the way it was when i got it. Anyone have the original rom file?
i don't need the original rom, i have the original rom already running. im looking to change it, but i don't want a beta. so im trying to find one that is finished and has already gone through testing. so if anyone can tell me an address to one or anything like that. I would appreciate it.......
custom roms arent ever finished... there is always something to tweak and change as you use it. not even the htc ones are "finished" thats why they release updates, because there is always something to change. your best bet is to try out whats out there and see which one you like best.
ok, can someone tell me the most finished one they have encountered? and a link to it? I'd really appreciate that ^_^ |