Love my new touch - getting rid of the mogul
I am one of the many who had a short honeymoon period with the mogul until I realized that it is in the end a flawed piece of crap. I've been using my touch all day for email, instant messaging and web browsing and it hasn't frozen once - I haven't had to do one soft reset yet.
It's not any faster than the mogul in most things - but it's been significantly more stable. Really the only time I miss the hard kb is when I'm entering in email account info for servers and passwords but you really only do that the first time you set up the phone anyway. I'm really happy with the touchpal soft kb for emails and texting - I actually had a geek-off today with a friend of mine and tested how fast we could type out a long sentence - him with a tilt and me with the touch - guess who won? Yours truly - it's actually a good enough soft keyboard that I'm probably going to purchase the full version - I just wish we had more control over what keyboard pops up for what.
Touchflo is in my opinion pretty much a gimmick - it's redundant to the controls on the HTC home interface and not nearly as useful.
OZ messenger is really nice to have compared to the crap that's on the mogul - I was a fan of it on my moto q9c and it's nice to have an easy to use, compact IM service that works with multiple services.
The center directional/enter pad is nice but the end/call buttons are far too small - I don't get why they have to be the size of grains of rice.