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Old 12-27-2007, 04:27 PM
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Touch not syncing contacts and tasks

Just recently did hard reset. My 7th since I have had phone. They have all been caused by lockups and the phone becoming stuck on bootscreen after soft reset. This time though I cant seem to be able to sync contacts and tasks. I uninstalled and reinstalled outlook. The contact are on my PC but will not synce to the Touch. Any feedback on this would be appreciated. BTW- this hard reset thing is becoming annoying as my trust is lessening in the stability and reliability of this device. I figure that most of these problems are caused by third party programs but what fun is it to run these phones with only stock apps.
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Old 12-27-2007, 04:40 PM
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Applications run fine. I've had very few problems (just opera mini which seems to be behaving now).

Today Plugins, Keyboard extenders etc. those are the ones you need to be cautious with and do your home work on. I only run one (weather panel).
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 04:41 PM
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Here is a troubleshooting process:

1) unplug your handset, do a soft reset and reboot your PC. Unplug the USB cable from its existing USB socket and plug it into a different socket after the computer has rebooted, then attach the handset. Each socket will have its own driver install (we will talk more about this later). Also verify in the connection settings of WMDC that you have enabled USB connections.

2) Verify in your Power Management Settings you do not have selective USB/PCI suspend active. this is a power saving feature which may put certain USB devices to "Sleep" to save power and internal bandwidth.

3) GoTo: Start, Right-Click "My Computer" and choose "Manage". Once the Management Console opens choose "Device Manager" DM opens browse down to "Portable Devices" and loock for a "Pocket PC". If a handset is listed then Right-Click and "uninstall" (go ahead and click the box to delete the drivers too). If a handset is NOT listed then click on "Action" then "Scan for hardware changes". this will attempt a discovery of attached hardware and install any newfound devices.

While here in DM you also want to check your USB Controllers to ensure none are set to selectively suspend as needed (similiar to the power management settings).

4) uninstall/reinstall WMDC. Windows Mobile Device Center includes the packaged drivers needed to install the Pocket PC Device. As mentioned earlier you are advised to change USB sockets as well. Each time you plug a device into a different USB socket it will install the device as new. This is why some devices are labeled #2 or #3 when only 1 single device is attached. Plugging into a new socket will initiate a new discovery and install.

If device IS recognized by the pc - verified

#1 thing to do is the obvious, uninstall, run a reg-clean to remove the old registry entries, reboot, reinstall using Administrator account or elevated user credentials. Be sure to use a new USB socket, as i mentioned before this will prompt a new driver install.

#2 i need you to look in the task manager on the "services tab", clearly you looked but you look at "processes" which doesnt show what we want In Processes there will be 2 which need to be running:



You are looking to make sure 2 services are running both with Process ID 3860. 1st service is "RapiMgr" the second is "WcesComm" if these services are not running the pc wont be able to run WMDC. i attached a small gif showing these services in action.

You can manually start the services or set them to autostart via the Mgmt Console.

If you havent gone through the entire set of questions i cannot guarantee we have not missed something. Let me know how you stand on these issues and we can take it from there.


This is not an Outlook issue. It is a general USB issue and may actually be handset related.

EDIT - this is a VISTA process
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