Transfer Vista Cube
Thanks to Polen, Thisguyinoc, Musicman and many others for the excellent work on this board - you have drastically improved my Touch and I have a 4-sided Vista cube with many icons that I really like. My wife's Touch however is still stock....is there any way I can transfer my whole setup to hers, or do I have to do it one piece at a time? Thanks!
my biz run from my Touch www.DiningComments.com Palm 3x -> Palm Tungsten T3 -> HTC Touch (Vogue)-> HTC Diamond WM6.5.3 Energy ROM 28014
Hello Agent, the easy way would be to install all applications that you have onto hers in the exact same folders you used (so all paths you setup on your touch can work on hers) then use registry editor software like CEREgedit (free i think)
http://www.freewareppc.com/utilities/ceregeditor.shtml and Export the registry key from your Touch that houses all the Biotouch settings and import it onto her device. You will find the needed key(s) at HKeyLocalMachine\software\HTC\Biotouch export that whole key and all subkeys- (good idea to save this reg entry if you ever need to rebuild your Touch too!) then active sync her Touch, view w/ CERegEditor and import your key strings- as long as you have already installed all apps, and Visa Cube & Cube Config you will be all set after the reboot- I did notice on my Touch after a hard reset and rebuild I had to repoint some of the programs in Cube Config 3.0 but it wasn't hard at all and I was working better then ever after about 30min of reinstalling apps!
~Touched for the very first time~ |