have not seen it and I have been searching hard.
tried xtext, the sms, and textr. All have bugs out of all I seem to prefer xtext right now. Untill someone builds it your stuck |
pocketcm is skinnable and could be made to look like the iphone's messenger. Also watch for VITO's threaded sms coming out soon. Should be very similar to the iphone.
PocketCM is really great, just replying to a text with it the keyboard doesn't line up in the right spot on the touch, I hope they fix this in the next release
Does pocket cm take over the windows messaging. The issue I noticed with most of the texting programs is either they intercept the message before it gets to the windows messenger making the icons useless or you get double notification. Hope that is clear I am not so tech. None of them seem to work with the existing icons alone by taking them over.
Example is the messages would only appear in the middle of the three boxes for text messaging and by clicking that it will take you to the pocketcm app. OO and didnt see any mention of threaded sms on the vito site listed Last edited by ahbroody; 12-09-2007 at 02:54 AM. |
http://www.iwindowsmobile.com/ |
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“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”
Robert Kennedy Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time. ![]() |
I believe the next version of WM, 6.1, is rumored to have threaded messaging. Not sure on the "bubbles" though. Here's hoping its true. Always like using an included program that does it well than having to go third party when possible
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