I have installed many programs in the last two weeks, but nothing within two days before I noticed the sudden drop... it's still sitting at 20% 3:30 after I posted this... I think it's just a calibration issue, but still annoying
I have a habit of shutting off the GPS Locator thing since I tried it on my wifes Q and it made a huge difference on battery life.
Has signal quality changed or where your placing it during the morning? It could be calibration. Try taking battery out after a full charge for 5 minutes, put it again and charge it full again. That usually helps calibration issues. Watch out apps can do funny things even with no change on the phone. Like a weather program that can't get it's data and keeps retrying over and over.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
No real difference as far as signal strength, I'll try taking it off after full charge, and then plugging it back in, hopefully that will help fix it. Otherwise I'll be calling HTC about it, and ordering a Seiko battery.
I hace had the same issue while using the seido battery. Although today for the first time in a while my battery was at 90% when I left work. In the last couple of days it has been down to 50% at that time. There is def. something going on.
This has now happened to my touch. Strange thing being when I noticed I did a soft reset and after this gained 4M of program memory. I had not added or removed any software for a number of days and not changed my normal usage. Previosly I could go to work with a full charge 100% and leave 8Hrs later still with 100%. Now 4hrs in and it is down to 65% just turning on every hour to check battery status. Will be contacting T Mobile and will report back ...
I'm experiencing this myself. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I would charge when I go to sleep. Drive to work (which is a 45 min. to a hour cuz of traffic) and still be at 100%. When I get to work its 90% now. Then it just keeps dropping another 10% as the hours go by. by the time I get off its like 40-50%, depends if I'm talking alot or not.
I don't know wtf is going on.
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