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Old 08-12-2010, 04:22 PM
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Anyone using the Verizon XV6900 on Sprint?

Since both Verizon and Sprint are CDMA networks would the XV6900, with a Sprint ROM, work on the Sprint network?

My 6900 with NFSFAN 1.15 ROM works great but I can get service better and cheaper on Sprint where I live now.

If the phone would work do you think Sprint would activate the phone on their network.
Verixon XV6900
Radio 3.37.78
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2010, 12:02 AM
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Re: Anyone using the Verizon XV6900 on Sprint?

...before today i would tell you there's no way because of the ESN issue (sprint's and verizon's ESN numbers aren't the same, therefore you can't put a phone from one company, on the other's..). however, i was watching one of the news channels today and they were talking about how you can take your phone from your old carrier to your new one due to it being against one of the amendments to refuse it..? they were talking about how to jailbreak iphones and how it's legal now[apple can't sue or anything for getting apps not meant for the iphone/it working on another service] on national television, so i would definatly look more into it if not talk to a representative.

not positive what station it was on but it's the guy that "saves you money, watches out for scams and blah blah[not exact words obviously].."
+htc touch (sprint)
-htc droid eris (verizon)
+palm pre plus (verizon)
+samsung continium (verizon)
+samsung facinate (verizon)
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 12:55 AM
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Re: Anyone using the Verizon XV6900 on Sprint?

I know of a member on cdma-gurus that got Sprint to accept a Verizon ESN just last month.
Sprint has always been the hardest, but really no carrier will absolutely refuse if your persistent. I had a Verizon Blackberry on Sprint back when they first became popular. So it's not impossible nor has it ever been impossible just very difficult.
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