Well I was very pleased yesterday with the outcome of a discussion with Telus Mobility's tech support. I originally called because of frequently missing calls due to the seemingly short time my PPC 6700 would ring prior to the call being handed off to voicemail. I had a fantastic CS Rep who ultimately couldn't help with this issue, so I actually decided to disable voicemail.
In the course of the discussion, she and I were bantering back and forth about Bell Mobility's Touch offering and how it was superior to Telus' in terms of the data plan ($15.00 all inclusive with no tethering) and apparently working wifi. She looked into the cheapest I could get a data plan for my 6700 and when it boiled down to $25.00 for 4mb/month, I joked that Bell's Touch was looking a lot more attractive. She offered to try and set me up with a touch and called her CS Manager and told him that I was going to leave Telus for Bell and she negotiated a $15 unlimited data plan and $99 for the phone (the 3 year contract price) in spite of the fact that I still had 1.5 years on the original contract which got me the 6700. She got back on the line with me and told me that she had negotiated this and that I needed to go along with the story that I was going to move over to Bell, and then handed me off to the manager.
The CS Manager got on the phone and initially tried to tell me that the $15 was only going to include IM and email and that I was only half way through my existing contract. I told him that he was wasting my time because I had already spent 30 minutes with other CS rep who had told me that he was going to make me an offer I couldn't refuse

and that I was at the office and couldn't take any more time. He put me on hold and, after a couple of minutes of being on hold I figured I wasn't going to get what the original CS rep promised so I hung up, resigning myself to my brick-like 6700.
Five minutes later the CS manager called me up and apologized for making me wait, then told me that he was authorizing a $99 Touch with unlimited data for $15!
The long and short of it is that Telus is now offering unlimited data on their Touch but you need to be prepared to push for it and not take the email and IM plan. I am now the proud owner of a Touch which, based on my first 24 hours with it, promises to be the best mobile device I have owned!