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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2008, 11:13 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

The config program doesn't seem to work for me at all. I am using the brn files that are designed specifically for the HTC cube, but none of the images show up on the 6-app launcher. The program names do show up and launch properly. Did WM 6.1 change some of the paths for the touchflo? I am running the Almost Sprint OEM rom.
  #42 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2008, 04:41 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

I understand that hitting the reset button might not save changes but whats the difference between using psshutxp and just holding down the power button until you get the shutdown dialog?

  #43 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2008, 05:38 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

Originally Posted by lawyeradam View Post
I installed the cube config on my touch yesterday and it worked great! this morning I updated the rom and now when I run the cube program it doesn't give me the option to change the 6 sided screen - it has tabs for the 3 side and and icube (?).. Help??
I'm having the exact same problem, I installed, it worked for a while, I even changed some settings, and now it says iCube instead of "6-app side" I didnt install iCube or Vista cube, running the stock cube from the official leaked rom. Is it the new rom maybe? Anyone have a fix?
  #44 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 12:30 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

Ok; so I gave up trying to get this to work on the stock cube with the leaked sprint ROM. I installe vista-cube because there were a lot of posts about it working with it. Still no luck. It changes the application path on one of the 6 button side but any changed icons are blank. The 4th side of the vista-cube doesn't appear on the configuration menu. The 3 button media center is the opposite, you can change the icon but not the application path? Should I just learn to do this manually? Otherwise the apps on the stock cube are worthless to me.

  #45 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 12:43 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

Originally Posted by elmariachi View Post
I'm having the exact same problem, I installed, it worked for a while, I even changed some settings, and now it says iCube instead of "6-app side" I didnt install iCube or Vista cube, running the stock cube from the official leaked rom. Is it the new rom maybe? Anyone have a fix?
I have the source code at home so I'll have to see what the reason is when I get there tonight. It will probably be a simple registry edit to fix it. I forget what it is, but I know I check something in the registry to determine whether it is the icube, Vista Cube or stock cube.
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Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool

  #46 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 12:45 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

Originally Posted by lotus View Post
Ok; so I gave up trying to get this to work on the stock cube with the leaked sprint ROM. I installe vista-cube because there were a lot of posts about it working with it. Still no luck. It changes the application path on one of the 6 button side but any changed icons are blank. The 4th side of the vista-cube doesn't appear on the configuration menu. The 3 button media center is the opposite, you can change the icon but not the application path? Should I just learn to do this manually? Otherwise the apps on the stock cube are worthless to me.

I have ran into the problem of the icons showing up blank, but all of my shortcuts work fine. I do not know of a solution to it. If anybody does and can share, I can add it to the app IF it's possible.
  #47 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 03:11 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

Originally Posted by thisguyinoc View Post
Ok, I think this one is gonna need a sticky. I got sick of having to type in all of the shortcuts in the registry editor to change the cube, so I wrote this little spiffy app. It allows you to customize the 2 sides of the cube with shortcuts. Just make sure you know what you are doing as far as what can go where. Enjoy!

Version 1.1 - I got tired of waiting for the file browser to refresh everytime. Now you only have to wait for the first time, after that it is cached.

Version 1.2 - Added IconPress to the 6-App Side, and IconPlaying, IconPlayingPress, and IconPress to the 3-App side.

Version 2.0 - Added param for 6-App Side and 3-App Side. Added links to animation files. Added GUI for app selection for 3-App side and 6-App side.

Version 2.1 - Squashed the bugs that were coming up. Sorry I didn't test it enough before releasing.

Version 3.0 - Now supports multiple 6-App sides (See Polen's Vista Cube)!! Added reset to defaults. Automatic shortcut selector or browse for apps. Fixed the bug where the Program Files directory wasn't showing up in the Browse tree.

Version 4.0 - Added support for the iCube , animation configuring for newly added sides, export settings to .reg file, and icon image preview*.

*The icon image preview must be set up correctly to work. It all depends on the naming convention used. Polen's icon packs work with the preview. Since the .brn files cannot be rendered, a .bmp file must be placed in the directory with the .brn having the same filename or following Polen's naming convention (ex. ie.bmp -> ie_top.brn, ie_top_press.brn).

I tried testing it with the stock cube, Polen's 6 sided cube, and the iCube, but may not have caught everything, so if you find a bug, let me know!

SORRY!!! I left out a file from the .cab, it's all fixed now! Enjoy!

Version 4.1 - Fixed a bug in the export settings and the Save button was getting disabled.

Download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/79573356/CubeConfig4.1.zip

If you guys have anymore suggestions, let me know.


  #48 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 07:13 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

Originally Posted by gamerss View Post
It was made for the SPRINT TOUCH....CDMA version. Sorry dude.
  #49 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 10:30 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

I am using the "Official" Sprint ROM and I changed the top two buttons on the 6 button part of the cube. The shortcuts work but the icons won't show up and I can't go back to the default! When I use the 'return to default' feature everything shows up correctly, but after reset I get the same text only button that I created. Is there a CAB that would restore the defaults? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I was resetting with stylus instead of top button. Everything working now.

Last edited by adz1966; 07-17-2008 at 08:58 PM.
  #50 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 11:12 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool v4.0

Originally Posted by elmariachi View Post
I'm having the exact same problem, I installed, it worked for a while, I even changed some settings, and now it says iCube instead of "6-app side" I didnt install iCube or Vista cube, running the stock cube from the official leaked rom. Is it the new rom maybe? Anyone have a fix?
Check your registry, does the following entry exist?


If so, try renaming it to CustAPLauncherOld or something. Then soft reset and see if that works.

Post your results here.
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