I've done a lot of forum/google searching and I can't seem to find an answer if it's possible to use opendns with WM6. I have tried to simply change the DNS entries but it always reverts after a soft reset. Thinkin it was simply a registry fix away from the perfect EvDO complement, I changed the DNS values in:
HKLM/Comm/Cellular Line/Parms/TcpIp (and Cellular Line 2) to the opendns values but the damn thing reverted back after another reset!
Is there a program to be put in the start-up folder or are we stuck using Sprint's default?
EDIT: The settings stick in the registry after a soft reset until the call to #777 into Sprint. I'm not sure what the process is that changes the DNS registry or if there is a workaround for it...any ideas?