Are you talking pocket CM for the keyboard or the other app? I was going to check out their site to try out the other app but their page won't come up.
Last edited by boe; 11-18-2007 at 02:50 PM. |
Weird, the site may be down for a bit.. But no, I'm talking about the PocketCM contact manager, it has built in threaded SMS and is very finger friendly, however it does not work well with the 20-key keboard but works perfectly with the pocketcm keyboard
Thanks - It came back up a couple of hours ago. I tried contact manager but had a number of issues with it. I tried both the 15 and 16 beta - neither worked properly for me. I started a thread on it in the PCM forums because it shows potential. Frankly the Palm one is by far the simplest to install and use - I'm just bumming it isn't made for touch screen yet. I understand it was designed for hardkey phones but I can hope they'll get it working for touchscreen as well because it just plain works - no tweaks, mods or anything else. I also tried IMSMS and it didn't seem to work well yet either. Both show potential but neither is ready for prime time IMHO.
Here is what I posted on PCM.
I'd click on a contact, SMS - it doesn't open up a text area, just no sms records. I'd press the send button and it would not work (I'm aware it is set for 250ms) - tried different amounts of time and it wouldn't work - I'd reset, press send and sometimes it would let me start a new message. As long as I started a message OK I could send. Then once I got the message - it was hard to tell which was incoming or outgoing - I like the arrows on the palm app For some reason it would sometimes pop up with a white skin - others with a black - not sure why. The same options came up for the messages I sent as the ones I received - resend etc - not sure what that was for. I tried uninstalling, resetting and reinstalling twice - no luck. |
Thanks - I gave that a try - seems to work at the moment. I'll give it a try for a few days. I'll post a new thread since I can't seem to figure out how to get SPB Phone suite to open it instead of the default Windows Text message when clicking on the icon for text messages.
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