11-21-2007, 09:42 AM
Regular 'Geeker
Pocket PC: PRE & Touch PRO2, but now Evo Carrier: Sprint
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Originally Posted by G-touch
On the Touch, under Internet Settings, when you set the PC Connection to Bluetooth PAN, what do set the Internet Connection to? Phone as Modem, My Connection or Sprint PCS?
Also, on the laptop, I click on My Blooth Places, then the Touch Device, then the Network Access Point. At that point, the computer tries to connect and then I get a message which says: "The Network Access connection failed. Could not connect to the remote device."
Any thoughts?! Help!!
Set it to Sprint PCS. Turn on Internet Sharing on the phone, then repair and your computer should fine the PAN option on your Touch... If not you might need updated bluetooth drivers for your computer.