Windows Media Player Lag
I have a bunch of videos of my son saved on my micro SD card and when I go to play them using WMP the audio is totally ahead of the video (almost as if the video is considerably slowed down). When I play them using TCPMP everything is fine. The only problem is that I like to use the "Camera Album" to browse and play my videos and I can't figure out haw to get TCPMP to play them from the "Camera album" (the files only open with WMP).
1) Is there a way to fix this audio/video lag with WMP?
2) Is there a way to get TCPMP to play the video files when I click on them from within the Carema Album? (I've already associated TCPMP with the format of my videos and camera album still forces me to play the videos with Windows media player)
3) What are optimal settings for TCPMP (what do you find works best for you)?