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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2008, 01:36 AM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

This is so great.. I can't believe I now like my TOUCH more than I did the first day.. wow we should start getting some ROMs with these tweaks is that possible?

1 - This tweak will reduce the amount of pressure it takes to use the cube gestures.
  • 1. Open any reg editing software (PHM Reg EDIT is nice)
  • 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings
  • 3. In HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings find DWORD fingerpressure.
  • 4. Enter into edit mode then either double or quadruple your oem setting which is 3760
  • 5. WARNING! DO NOT decrease the OEM value, because then IT WILL ACTUALLY TAKE MORE PRESSURE.
  • 6. Soft reset and enjoy reduced pressure gestures!!
GENERAL WARNING: NEVER DECREASE fingerpressure Value. Decreasing the value means applying MORE than needed pressure on your touch screen, which may render your screen damagaed.

2 - This tweak will reduce the pressure you need to apply with your fingers or while typing with stylus.
  • 1. Through the PHM registry editor(or any PPC registry editor)
  • 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\touchpanel
  • 3. Then find DWORD pressurethreshold
  • 4. Change the value of pressurethreshold. (INCREASE value ONLY!)
  • Personally I tried doubling the default value, until i have reached my desired setting.
  • Now, its like tapping soflty without having a feeling that i have screen protector. Also less stress on the stylus and screen and faster tapping.
  • Recommended Values: My Touchpanel Threshold is at 38372 and Touchflo is at 15040. Works great.
3 - Cube tweak to speed up the way in which your cube rises and falls.
  • 1. Open Reg editing software
  • 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings
  • 3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings find DWORD ...speedhigh
  • 4. Enter in to edit mode then either double or quadruple your oem setting which is 40
  • 5. Then find HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings find DWORD ...speedlow
  • 6. Enter in to edit mode then either double or quadruple your oem setting which is 65
  • WARNING! DO NOT decrease the OEM value. Else it will MAKE IT SLOWER FOR THE CUBE TO RISE and FALL.
  • 7. Soft reset then enjoy
  • Personal Settings: speedhigh at 160 and speedlow at 260
3 - Cube tweak to lower the time delay it takes for the cube to responed.
  • 1. Open Reg editing software
  • 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings
  • 3. In HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\software\OEM\TFLOSettings find DWORD ...delaydiff
  • 4. Enter in to edit mode then lower that down to what ever setting is good for you, your oem setting which is 40
  • WARNING! DO NOT increase the OEM value, unless you want the cube to respond slower.
  • My Setting is 25. I think thats the lowest.
  #282 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2008, 12:56 PM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

i found the post that explains how to remove the confirmation message.. it was posted by "cryogenic" and reads.. "Get rid of the delivery acknowledgement txt you receive after you send a text... (not the popup, but the actual text coming back through saying the msg was delivered)
change "delivery ack" from 1 to 0. Now no more stupid delivery confirmation text msgs clogging up your inbox. " Just thought I would share this it seems easier then the previos one found it hw.
  #283 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2008, 12:56 PM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

i found the post that explains how to remove the confirmation message.. it was posted by "cryogenic" and reads.. "Get rid of the delivery acknowledgement txt you receive after you send a text... (not the popup, but the actual text coming back through saying the msg was delivered)
change "delivery ack" from 1 to 0. Now no more stupid delivery confirmation text msgs clogging up your inbox. " Found this on HF and wanted to share it works great and seemed simpiler.
  #284 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2008, 02:42 PM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

Originally Posted by Primenall View Post
Let's speed up My Internet

Change your DNS server to OpenDNS

Do at your own risk, in the first hack you would normally delete the HTC_CM_Guardian.lnk from the Startup folder so HTC_CM_Guardian.exe won't start. Normally upon startup it will start and change back your DNS settings that we are going to change. HTC_CM_Guardian.exe sets your internet settings back to Sprints settings constantly. It starts everytime the Touch starts.

I couldn't find the HTC_CM_Guardian.lnk startup link in the \windows\startup folder on my Touch as it is on the Mogul so the Touch is starting the
HTC_CM_Guardian.exe from somewhere else, upon startup.

So since I couldn't stop it from starting I had to overwrite it with a inert file.

We are first going to copy the original HTC_CM_Guardian.exe file from \device\windows to a safe place for future use if ever needed. If you ever have trouble just copy the original back to \device\windows and soft reset or just execute it from wherever you saved it.

Next we are going to take a small inert file on our device and rename it to HTC_CM_Guardian.exe and then move it to the \device\windows folder on our touch and confirm overwrite (use Resco or similar to overwrite) so the real HTC_cm_guardian won't start.

Soft reset

Now for the actual settings change to Speed up browsing with OpenDNS:

Go to Start>Settings>Connections>Manage existing connections

Select SprintPCS, then Edit...

Hit Next and Next again, then click Advanced...

Under Servers tab select Use specific server address

Enter the following:


Alt DNS:

Hit OK then Finish

Soft reset

When you first reconnect to the internet it will ask you for name\pass......well just leave the name and pass blank and check the box to remember.

Next are a few other Edits that I got from another website and they seem to have made a very noticeable difference, without any side effects for me.
The first ones are just changed values and then the others you create an entry, just "create a new DWORD value"

TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions = dword: 6
TcpWindowSize = dword: 256960

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Int ernet Settings
MaxConnectionsPerServer = dword: 00000010

Create the following DWORD value in this directory (the 0 in "0server" is a number)

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Int ernet Settings
MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = dword: 00000020

In the following directory create all 3 DWORD values

Tcp1323Opts = dword: 1 (O before pts is the capital letter o)
TcpMaxDupAcks = dword: 2
EnablePMTUDiscovery = dword: 1

My Internet is sooooooooooo Frickin Fast now, really

I have included a "fake" HTC_CM_Guardian file to put on your phone in the windows file, it's just the PPST.dll file from Getspc renamed.
i couldn't get this to work with my Bell Touch phone
- deleted the *.lnk file
-soft reset
-entered Use specific server address
-soft reset
-the 'Use specific server address' is still unchecked

for some reason, i can't get 'Use specific server address' to stay checked...
  #285 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2008, 05:12 PM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

Originally Posted by johnnyshu View Post
i found the post that explains how to remove the confirmation message.. it was posted by "cryogenic" and reads.. "Get rid of the delivery acknowledgement txt you receive after you send a text... (not the popup, but the actual text coming back through saying the msg was delivered)
change "delivery ack" from 1 to 0. Now no more stupid delivery confirmation text msgs clogging up your inbox. " Found this on HF and wanted to share it works great and seemed simpiler.
what is the confirmation/delivery message? i have seen this feature in schaps advanced config but never known what it does. i dont ever get an "actual text coming back through saying the msg was delivered"...?

sorry if its a stupid question..but some clarification would be helpful.

jim256 = jim2561

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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2008, 07:17 PM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

Originally Posted by jim2561 View Post
what is the confirmation/delivery message? i have seen this feature in schaps advanced config but never known what it does. i dont ever get an "actual text coming back through saying the msg was delivered"...?

sorry if its a stupid question..but some clarification would be helpful.

You get an alert/notification after sending an SMS that says "Message sent" and you have to manually dismiss it. -e.
  #287 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2008, 02:59 AM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

Originally Posted by mr_e View Post
You get an alert/notification after sending an SMS that says "Message sent" and you have to manually dismiss it. -e.
well i understand that.

but "not the popup, but the actual text coming back through saying the msg was delivered" is what was said/what i was referring to...anyone care to elaborate on this?
  #288 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2008, 04:02 AM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

Originally Posted by jim2561 View Post
well i understand that.

but "not the popup, but the actual text coming back through saying the msg was delivered" is what was said/what i was referring to...anyone care to elaborate on this?
it's not the popup message which you dismiss ... it's a delivery receipt which indicates that the other party has received the message ... if the other party's phone is powered off or out of the coverage area you won't be getting this receipt until s/he turn on the phone or get a signal. i hope this clear things up

Last edited by PapaDocta; 03-29-2008 at 04:04 AM.
  #289 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2008, 10:15 PM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

Boost windows mobile performance up to 20%

CacheSize = 4096
enablecache =1
ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096
***Soft reset for changes to take effect. Default values for all keys are 0 (zero)
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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2008, 01:51 AM
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Re: Registry Tweaks/Hacks/Edits - Share them here!

Is there a registry tweak to improve the responsiveness of the OEM Touch Keyboard? It can't keep up with me and it becomes a nuisance quickly... I have spellchecker turned on but even with all predictive text options turned off, it still lags and cannot keep up with me, even with one handed use.

Anybody have a fix for this?

Last edited by DHarvey; 03-30-2008 at 02:00 AM.
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