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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2007, 12:41 AM
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Oh the Touch is leaps and bounds ahead of the Mogul. Maybe it's the ROM. As far as I understand the only spec really different is the RAM. Anyway if you're typing emails all day long the Mogul will be better for you as the Touch's on screen keyboard takes up about 60% of the screen. So while it's good to type with you can't see as much of what you have typed though. It works great for my purposes as I mostly read emails with quick responses and short text messages. The Touch Keyboard does block fields in certain programs that you're trying to type into.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2007, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by clayfu View Post

i thought you swapped your mogul for your touch.

Update - Sprint agreed to swap my Mogul for a Treo 800w when it comes out. So, I'll use the Touch I purchased today for now, and swap the Mogul later.

Again - I believe they're being so flexible with me because:
1) long term customer
2) multiple lines
3) first time I've ever asked them to do anything for me
4) AND I suspect they know Mogul BT can't / won't be fixed; otherwise, I think they'd be pushing back.

This will be my last post about my swap arrangements with Sprint - I'm satisfed in that I have a low cost Touch today and will get a free Treo someday. I don't want to draw any more attention, especially from Sprint.

Last edited by willysp; 11-05-2007 at 12:56 AM.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2007, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by SINNN View Post
Well, i really hate to be a a hole and say that. plus my 30 days are up on the 4th which is today. So i'm afraid that if i push too hard I might get rejected. So i will email them again tomorrow and just say that i'm a bit disappointed since i was told I would get one ordered on the 4th. Lets see what happenes.
I'm confused:

From prior posts, did you go through 4, 5, 6 devices in 30 days?!

If your 30 days ran out today, then why didn't you return the Mogul today, and then turn around and buy a Touch? Tomorrow's a day too late.

With all due respect, from your prior posts, I wonder if you'll be happy with anything.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2007, 01:22 AM
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Originally Posted by willysp View Post
I'm confused:

From prior posts, did you go through 4, 5, 6 devices in 30 days?!

If your 30 days ran out today, then why didn't you return the Mogul today, and then turn around and buy a Touch? Tomorrow's a day too late.

With all due respect, from your prior posts, I wonder if you'll be happy with anything.
Long story short. I have been getting a mogul every 3 weeks or so since July due to backlight issues. Sprint is fully aware of this and they said they will replace this 5th mogul even thou its past its 30 days. Please be aware that everytime you get a mogul replaced by warranty it resets the 30 day return policy. If your not aware. WIll I be satisfied by tthe Touch? I hope so, everyone else says its better than the mogul and BT works and all.

I would like to stay on topic and get more feedback on more Touchlites. SO far I havent heard one Mogulian kicking himself in the neck due to regreting in returning the Mogul for a Touch. hehehehe..
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Last edited by SINNN; 11-05-2007 at 01:25 AM.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2007, 06:22 PM
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Not yet, Since I am a Loan Officer before and after work, I can see my files through adobe, credit checks via efax, Title, VOE's etc.. on the TOUCH and most important new app is being able to print via bluetooth. Love it, I still have my MOGUL and will keep it till the ROM's updated till then I'm enjoyn my new toy :P
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