Okay first off hello everyone. I am new to the site and I can admit to being very much challenged in this area of technology. I have had my touch for a while now and I like it but I do not feel like I am getting the full benefit of it. Here are some things that I would like to change or do differently. If anyone has any suggestions for me feel free. If not THANK YOY ANYWAY & HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
1. Text Messages-
-Is there anyway to forward msgs that others send me to one or several people using there telephone numbers and not email add.?
-Is there anyway to send my pics to others via text and not email them?
-Anyway to set a ringtone for my text messages?
2. Sometimes my phone will go into airplane mode while I am talking on it. anyway to totally disable that?
3. How to get a better keyboard?
4. How do I get a full screen caller id option?
5. Games. On my old phone I had paperboy and Tetris and I miss them. Know where to get it for this phone?