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  #151 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 09:07 PM
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Well... I finally bit the bullet and bought the Touch.
wow is this thing sexy...
(had to get that out)
Day #1: was spent cuddling with the Touch and tweaking the fool out of it.
Day #2: I drive many hours a day (occupation) and I listen to audiobooks a lot! I listened to a book for about 5 hours total today, and went from 50% down to 10%. That includes 30 minutes of GPS time and another 30 minutes chatting while driving. Both GPS & headset are bluetooth.
Not plugged in during that time obviously. I wanted to see how long it would go...
Outlasted my trip
Just now had to plug it in for charging. Fantastic battery life.

Lovin' every second with it

  #152 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 11:19 AM
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I'm waiting the last few days till I'm upgrade eligible. I started looking at the Mogul, but after reading all the horror stories about it I've switched my attention to the Touch. After reading all the post here during my research, I have one question for all of you.
Now that you've had the Touch for two, three, four weeks, are you still happy with the phone?
"Here come the Hawks".
  #153 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2007, 11:28 PM
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I finally got the Touch off of ebay a few days ago and have been testing it since. I must say, it is unreal how small and great it is. Picturs don't do it justice nor the countless posts. It feels great in my hands and is actually light. Small enough to fit in a pocket without felling you have a brick in your pants.

So far these are my observations, and it may or may not help anyone still deciding whether to get on or not.

As mentioned previously by others here I have to agree on the following...

  • Pros:
    1. Unit is lightweight, not as heavy as I thought it would be.
    2. Thin as compared to other smart devices.
    3. Small size, pocketable.
    4. Has Windows Mobile 6.
    5. Speed and will only get faster once Rev A comes out.
    6. Good looking enough for the guys, as well as sexy for the ladies (sounds like a Secret commercial).
    7. Big enough flush flat screen does not gather any dust in the corners.
    8. Streamline look, rounded corners and not to many buttons.
    9. of course Touch Flo and being able to use your fingers.
    10. 2.0 megapixel Camera takes decent enough images.
    11. Hidden stylus plus the unit came with a spare.
    12. Loud Speakerphone.
    13. It includes a 512mb micro-sd card, but installed a 6GB one and it works.
    14. Unit can accomodate up to an 8GB micro SD card (according to Sandisk)
    15. Numerous keyboards to choose from
    16. Bluetooth
    17. The Camera Album feature, while not like the iphone, is actually pretty neat to use.
  • Cons turned into Pros:
    1. No external keyboard, but I got used to the internal ones.
    2. Getting to the Micro SD card, but no need to open it after installing a big card.
    3. No headphone jack, but no need if using a BT one.
    4. Alarm was sounding low, but played with the settings.
    5. Lack of Wifi, but realized I never really used Wifi to really miss it. But if Spectec ever comes out with their wifi card, it should fix the problem.
    6. Lack of GPS, (but I like most guys, I never get lost, so I don't need it.)
    7. Kept pressing the camera button while grabbing it out of pocket to answer a call, but it stopped after I discovered the lock/unlock feature.
  • Cons:
    1. Attracts smudges on screen especially fingerprints.
    2. Hard to read the screen in daylight.
    3. That damn Bubble Breaker game. Its so damn additive.
    4. Wish the side holster that was supplied was big enough to hold the accessories the phone came with.
Now I cannot truly compare this phone to my previous one, since that one (Samsung M610) was not a smartphone, but from the time I played around with my friends Mogul and my neices Blackjacks, I can truly say I really really like this phone. I can only imagine what HTC has coming down the pike in the future. I have been touched by the Touch and I'll never go back to a regular phone again.

  #154 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2007, 05:37 PM
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This is the PPC I've wanted for 8 years.

I'm just simply amazed by this device. First, I have to say, this is the most pocketable Pocket PC I've ever used. Its easily on par with the smallest one I've used, the HP iPaq 1900. It fits in my pocket with ease, and even into my chest pocket on a dress shirt without really noticing it there. My biggest problem with cell phoens, PDA's, and espicially cell PDA's has been not wanting to grab and take it with me when running a small errand so as not to lug it around...won't happen with the touch. I almost feel ashamed putting it into the case which seems actually larger than the touch itself. I can't wait for a decent holster for it.

The feel of it is great. The rubberized siding is absolutely wonderful to hold. It looks amazing. The black on silver with the bit of gray gives both a professional sleek look while at the same time cutting edge.

The interface is masterful. I find myself walking around just clicking into programs, or bringing up the cube, for no other reason than to do it. Its just very intuitive and easy to use, without having to juggle getting the stylus out and placing it back when needing it. On an appearance factor, it just feels much "Cooler" to be tapping around on the phone and bringing things up with your fingers than holding the very bottom of your phone clicking around on little buttons.

About buttons. I am finding myself missing them, but I don't know if it is just due to old habits right now. I keep trying to click for a start menu button and use the D-pad because that's what I've always done...then again, i've always done it because I couldn't be bothered to pull out the stylus. I have a feeling that if I get AEbutton to take care of a few things, I'll be happy. And over time, I'll probably get used to and actually prefer just tapping it out on screen.

Absolutely falling in love with this device and I don't even have it home yet to start putting other software onto it
  #155 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2007, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by twospirits View Post
    1. Lack of Wifi, but realized I never really used Wifi to really miss it. But if Spectec ever comes out with their wifi card, it should fix the problem.
I thought the Touch had Wlan/Wifi, no??? According to this http://www.europe.htc.com/z/pdf/prod...CH_PRODSHT.pdf it does...

Last edited by Focaldesign; 12-10-2007 at 06:02 PM.
  #156 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2007, 06:01 PM
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HTC Touch that was released in Europe did have WiFi

The Sprint Touch, which is actually the HTC Vogue, does not
  #157 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2007, 06:02 PM
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Seriously? Wow, why is that? I would never had bought it if it didn't have wifi.
  #158 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2007, 06:07 PM
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No clue. My guess would be to save on price (probably off set by the increased memory), save on weight perhaps (never held the other one to know what the weight difference would be), and deemed "not top priority" since it has other ways to access the net.
  #159 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2007, 06:16 PM
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You might search this forum for Wifi. there are several people who believe the Touch has wifi, but it is not enabled. they believe this because the Touch and the Mogul use the same Processor.

And for the record, I LOVE my Touch! Best phone I've EVER had!
Creator of:
WP7 Launcher, SoundPlug, MusicFlo, MacFlo, The iCube

Spread the thanks! Click http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/images/but...ost_thanks.gif if someone helps you!
  #160 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2007, 08:20 PM
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Okay first off hello everyone. I am new to the site and I can admit to being very much challenged in this area of technology. I have had my touch for a while now and I like it but I do not feel like I am getting the full benefit of it. Here are some things that I would like to change or do differently. If anyone has any suggestions for me feel free. If not THANK YOY ANYWAY & HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

1. Text Messages-
-Is there anyway to forward msgs that others send me to one or several people using there telephone numbers and not email add.?
-Is there anyway to send my pics to others via text and not email them?
-Anyway to set a ringtone for my text messages?
2. Sometimes my phone will go into airplane mode while I am talking on it. anyway to totally disable that?
3. How to get a better keyboard?
4. How do I get a full screen caller id option?
5. Games. On my old phone I had paperboy and Tetris and I miss them. Know where to get it for this phone?

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