11-13-2007, 03:46 PM
PPCGeeks Regular
Pocket PC: HTC Touch, Diamond "Moment" Carrier: Sprint
Location: Bellevue NE
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Originally Posted by jimh2k7
3) I do like the fact that you can map the extended hang up button hold to lock the device. One less registery tweak to stop Flight mode.
Originally Posted by mpancari
So im on hold for account services to order the touch, its been 20 minutes and i think ive memorized the whole song they play when your on hold!! it goes like this... chachachacha nanananana nenenenenununununu nanananana nanananananana naaaaaanaaanaa HAHA!!
I have some questions about the Touch...
1.) is flash 7 a must for internet explorer? what browser does it work better with?
2.) does the touch come with MMS? If not, what is the best version i can install?
3.) Is there a screen locking program already built into the phone? (besides device lock)
4.) is the speaker phone and earpiece loud?
5.) does the camera have good picture qaulity?
6.) does microsoft live search work on the touch?
Thats all for now, thanks!!!!!
4) Speaker phone??? What speakerphone? There ain't no speakerphone!