Eyeing up text entry on the HTC Touch
I have an HTC Titan / PPC 6800 / HTC Mogul (whatever you want to call it) and I absolutely hate it. So many useless buttons, the horrid OS we call Windows Mobile, toothpick sized stylus, 30 minute battery life, etc. But because I need the 3G and functionality and nobody has anything better, I tolerate it - though I am aggressively seeking ANYTHING that is even a little bit better.
I absolutely love the idea of a single, small handheld with stylus-based text entry. I had exactly that years ago with the Palm OS. Then cell phones came along and I could never really get something together again. The Palm OS basically hasn't changed much since way back when either, making it feel rather outdated these days.
Windows Mobile offers a number of text input methods, withe each having weaknesses and strengths - mostly weaknesses. But the one killer thing is that every time you reset (and I end up doing this all too often) the text entry mode is NOT remembered!
How does this work on the Touch? Are there other stylus-based text entry options not available on the HTC Titan? Maybe even they finally fixed the block recognizer to ACTUALLY incorporate the useful parts of Graffiti?
The final complication I have found is that the only viable option for SMS is a threaded SMS application like Palm's SMS application. It's simply a mess to try and track with SMS any other way, and I've been using this interface for years. The problem is that on my current phone, when you bring up any text entry option like letter or block recognizer... you cannot see the text you're writing!
How does this work out on the Touch?