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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by synaptyc View Post
I don't use internet on my phone much at all. Only when I am at home, friends house, hotspots, etc. I really only use it for updating the weather and checking email (and checking ppcgeeks.com). But the cost of the WiFi microSD card could be paid for within 6 months or less of EVDO service. I will just have to see how I like it using Bluetooth at home for my regular services. Maybe when I upgrade my phone/plan I can convince Sprint to throw in PowerVision for a couple months. We'll see.
Do you ever notice the SERO plan? Do a search here or google and you will know.

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Old 11-15-2007, 09:13 PM
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I didn't know SERO was available for the Touch...
anywho... It looks like the signup website is down

Last edited by synaptyc; 11-15-2007 at 09:24 PM.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2007, 03:16 PM
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there's gotta be wifi..

According to the FCC release.. the HTC Vogue 100 has wifi...I think its in there.. its just how to get in there and activated. I'm wondering if flashing the original HTC Vogue Rom would somehow activate the wifi.. I just hate that you pay 500.00 for a phone.. and then Sprint says "we don't want you to have this service and disables it"
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2007, 03:35 PM
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I'm sorry, I feel I am certain when I say this device does not have the wi-fi hardware on it.

I can understand with GPS/aGPS, but what sense would it make to have a device that can do wi-fi and not turn it on? With GPS they can charge you for the service, such as TeleNAV, but they wouldn't be so stupid as to charge later down the road to turn wi-fi on.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2007, 06:41 PM
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there's gotta be wifi..

So the HTC Vogue doesn't have Wifi...I just got off the phone with HTC America and they assured me that the HTC Vogue does have wifi but sprint has disabled it...because they want you to use the EVDO network and pay for it. It makes perfect sense for business though.. if I knew that I could connect to the internet through my wifi connection...why would i use sprint's service

Last edited by newtouchguy; 11-16-2007 at 06:51 PM.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2007, 06:50 PM
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Hm. i wonder if it's a physical switch that has to be flipped (like the Mogul) or something in software? I know that on the Mogul the ONLY way you could turn on Wifi was to flip the switch on the side. if it's a physical switch (or physical connection on the board) that must be used, we may never get this activated...except those with a Dremel.
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Old 11-22-2007, 02:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Arlen View Post
Yeah, it is a bad news for Sprint Touch!
It's comments like this that make me wonder why people expect that every device that comes to market MUST have WiFi and built-in GPS.

No one is forcing you to put out money for a device that lacks what some of you feel are dire necessities; but that shouldnt make it bad news for the rest of us.

My Mogul has WiFi which hardly to never worked. So no WiFi in the Touch wasnt something I had to have or would even miss.
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Old 11-22-2007, 02:17 AM
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Originally Posted by synaptyc View Post
I use WiFi all the time as well. I suppose I am too cheap to cough up the $15 extra a month for EVDO. I am still considering upgrading from my 6700 to the Sprint Touch. I know Bluetooth from my PC is capable of serving the internet to PPC's and other PC's. My house is 2500 square feet though... and there is no way I could get signal coverage on both floors. I guess I'll have to test that out.
I really hope there is a MicroSD WiFi card option for the Touch. That would solve a lot of my reservations.
From what I remember, the WiFi cards, for phones capable of using it, didnt sit flush with the phone; not even close.

The microSD slot on the Touch sits under the right side chrome trim of the phone.
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