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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 03:30 PM
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cant seem to relock phone

Well my screen digitizer I guess died while running 6.5
I flashed it back to the stock rom listed then after reading realized I had to lock it. Based on what I read I need to use ImCokemans 4.0 unlocker then flash the stock rom.

I did this, but when it boots the codes below the HTC logo on boot are still red. I remember them being white. So then I decided to try to refalsh the stock rom. I can still flash the stock rom over and over again even if I keep using the 4.0 unlocker then flashing.

Did I read how to relock the phone wrong. I searched the forums for a while and found multiple posts in threads which said this was the way to do it.

The phone is back to 6.1, but I believe it is unlocked.
I cant get past the set up phase where you have to tap the screen because my screen does not respond to touch.

Please help. want to take this into sprint store to hopefully get my baby working again.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 04:58 PM
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Re: cant seem to relock phone

Here Bro! Follow the steps in this post:


Use those directions but obviously if you had WinMo 6.1 on your vogue when you got it then flash the stock shipped 6.1 rom instead of 6.0. In case you don't have the sprint stock shipped 6.1 rom here it is :


Also, the numbers and letters at the bottom of the screen when it resets should be red. Now, keep in mind that if you take it back to the store they probably won't fix it. They will just order you a refurb replacement. If you don't want that then you could order yourself a replacement digitizer and replace it yourself. If you decide to do that then follow the info in this thread:


Hope that helps !!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 05:05 PM
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Re: cant seem to relock phone

I just re-locked my vx6900 using the .40 imcokeman, during the RUU install of ROM 6.1 I got an error 236 code...It prompted me to disconnect and reconnect, then the bootloader screen was showing 0000 instead of Coke, I then re-loaded the 6.1 ROM Official Verizon Rom and now the phone is as stock as it can be so I can ship it back to verizon....

Hope that helps
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 05:21 PM
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Re: cant seem to relock phone

I found this

Checked it in bootloader and it read


So I took the gamble and took it into sprint. I am sure they will likley get me a refurb, but I dont care. I have actually been beyond happy with the vogue after putting on 6.5 titanium and customizing it to my needs. It is honestly the best set up I have ever had.

Side note are any new phones with better processors slotted for sprint this year. I keep hoping for the hd2 but doubt it will happen. I dont want to bother getting one of the current wimo phones with the old processors. I am on Sero so I am hoping.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 05:39 PM
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Re: cant seem to relock phone

Huh...well I guess I didn't help you guys very much. Sorry.
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