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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 06:46 AM
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Re: Ervius Visual Kitchen for Vogue SYS 23081

Originally Posted by ali3nfr3ak View Post
First off good to see things are still ticking along here

As it turns out i like Android alot lol, so much so i brought a Nexus One on tuesday , dont get it till next tuesday tho, and at this stage im not gonna root it, as there seems to be some hardware issue's (touch screen , dead pixels, dust under screen,..so not rooting . And am gonna turn my vogue into tomtom navigation device for my car, caus i get lost easliy haha lol.

if anyone wants a go with android i would suggest jamezelle sensetattoo over at xda
Thanks for ALL your work ali3n!!!!
Good Luck with your Nexus!!
Trombone players do it in 7 positions!
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: Ervius Visual Kitchen for Vogue SYS 23088

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
Its GSM and sim unlocker not available yet
hehe, Bells new network uses sim cards
So when my contracts up or when I have a large amount of money to cancel my contract, my vogue goes away for an HD2

Phones: HTC Vogue (Incubusj2c's 2.2 RLS12) RETIRED
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 04:31 PM
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Re: Ervius Visual Kitchen for Vogue SYS 23088

Thanks for the kind words

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  #164 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 06:45 AM
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Re: Ervius Visual Kitchen for Vogue SYS 23088

Guys, I just started setting up an Ervius Kitchen for the Vogue and extracted a stock Sprint ROM for my base. Since it's so old I of course would only like to keep the minimum that's needed for my custom ROM's. Problem is I'm not sure what exactly can be deleted from the OEM Common folder and 0409 folder. Well yes, I assume I need everything in the drivers and operators folder, but what about OEM Apps, OEM Misc, OEM Version and OEM_DPI_96? I would appreciate if someone can explain this, or share a clean OEM folder with just the basics.
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 08:08 AM
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Re: Ervius Visual Kitchen for Vogue SYS 23088

Originally Posted by Lewy1 View Post
Guys, I just started setting up an Ervius Kitchen for the Vogue and extracted a stock Sprint ROM for my base. Since it's so old I of course would only like to keep the minimum that's needed for my custom ROM's. Problem is I'm not sure what exactly can be deleted from the OEM Common folder and 0409 folder. Well yes, I assume I need everything in the drivers and operators folder, but what about OEM Apps, OEM Misc, OEM Version and OEM_DPI_96? I would appreciate if someone can explain this, or share a clean OEM folder with just the basics.
here you go remember the thank you button
This is ready togo ..sugest you dont add anything else to oem folder use the ext to induce more files to your ROM it will allow you to build a clean and superfast rom ..

use this as referance to clean up sys/common ne thing 0409 is small and would be alot of work to recover such a small amount space IMO
ADC - Automatic Data Configuration
AdobeFlash - Adobe Flash
AdobeFlashCodecs - Adobe Flash Video Playback Codecs
AlarmSounds - Alarm Sounds
AUTOUPDATE - Device-Side Auto Update - Not Required
Base - Required - but what is it?
BaseApps - Required - but what is it?
BaseAppsFiles - Microsoft Camera + Camera Integration Support - replaces BaseAppsModules
BaseAppsModules - Microsoft Camera + Camera Integration Support -replaces BaseAppsFiles
Bluetooth - Bluetooth Support (for microsoft BT stack, dependant on build-time switch)
bronze - Required - Components for CHome
BronzeEA - Components for CHome (east-asia languages)
BronzeNonEA - Components for CHome (Non east-asia languages)
BROWSING - IE 5 Components
BROWSINGCORE - IE 6on6 Scripting Components (dependant on build-time switch)
browsingie - IE 6on6 UI and RenderCore (dependant on build-time switch)
BTDUN - Bluetooth dial-up networking
Bth_A2DP - Bluetooth A2DP
Bth_HID - Bluetooth HID (Human Interface Device) profile support
Bth_Watch - Support for the Sony Erricssion Wrist Watch
CHome - Titanium, the WM Pro version of Sliding Panels
CommonEA - Common settings specific to east asia builds, replaces CommonNonEA
CommonNonEA - Common settings specific to non-east asia builds, replaces CommonEA
COMPLEXSCRIPT_FONTS - System fonts for Arabic builds, replaces SYSTEM_DEFAULT_FONTS
ConfettiCore - HW Accelerated RenderCore for 6.5 Chrome
DRM - Digital Rights Management Support (dependant on build-time switch) - Required for Video playback of 3gp and mp4
Enterprise - IPSec, l2TP and Winscard support?
Entertainment - Games
FWUPDATE - ImageUpdate Support
gb18030 - East Asian Font support - Excluded from non-EA images
GPSID - GPS Intermediate Driver, facilitates multiple applications using one serial port simultaneously
INTERNETSHARING - Provides a NAT Router for WWAN <--> USB/Bluetooth communication
IRDA - IR Port Support
LangDB - wince.nls for your language (0404, 0411, 0412, 0804, WWE)
Livesearch - Windows Live Search/Bing Search
Lockscreen - WM6.5 Lockscreen
LockscreenEA - Lockscreen east-asia components - replaces LockscreenNonEA
LockscreenNonEA - Lockscreen Non east-asia components - replaces LockscreenEA
MediaOS - Windows Media Player - Needed for MP3 Ringtone support?
MediaOSFiles - Windows Mobile Player Decoder DMO - replaces MediaOSModules
MediaOSModules - Windows Mobile Player Decoder DMO - replaces MediaOSFiles
Metadata - Required - Registry Hives, Package Info
MODEMLINK - Old-style internet sharing support (DUN) (dependant on build-time switch)
MSIMAR - SIP support for Arabic builds - excluded from non-arabic builds
MSTag - Microsoft Tag Reader (dependant on build-time switch)
MSXIPKernel - Microsoft Native Kernel Components
MSXIPKernelLTK - Empty ImageUpdate Package - Requirement for future expansion
NetCF - Microsoft .NET Compact Framework
NonPhone - Non-Phone (PDA) Components - excluded from phone builds
OEMXIPKernel - OEM Native Kernel Components
Office - Microsoft Office 6 Mobile
OneNote - Microsoft OneNote 6 Mobile
OS - Required - Description?
OSFiles - Required - MS WMV DMO - replaces OSModules
OSModules - Required - MS WMV DMO - replaces OSFiles
Perf - Debug Performance Monitor
Perfbox - Debug Performance Monitor
Phone - Required - Phone support, not in PDA builds
PhoneRedist - Required - Phone support, not in PDA builds
ppgprov - OMA Provisioning Support, not in PDA builds
Redist - ?
RemoteDesktopMobile - Remote Desktop
Riched20 - Rich HTML Editor support - WWE builds - replaces Riched20_CS
Riched20_CS - Rich HTML Editor support - Arabic builds - replaces Riched20
RIL710MUX - CellCore Component (optional)
RingsAndAlerts - Rings and Alerts
RMGR - Roaming Manager (optional)
RUNTIMES - C Runtimes
SipAR - SIP Support for Arabic builds (excluded from non-arabic builds)
SampleMusic - Sample Music (dependant on build-time switch)
Shell - Required
SIM_TKit - SIM Tool Kit, omitted from CDMA builds
Skybox - Microsoft MyPhone, Syncs a phone's info with Microsoft (dependant on build-time switch)
Skymarket - WM MarketPlace isn't live yet - Just a link (dependant on build-time switch)
SMIME - Required - Crypto Support
SMS_Providers - Required - SMS Support
SQLCE - SQL Server for CE (dependant on build-time switch)
SQM - Systems Quality Metrics (customer experience feedback)
SqlCeMobile - Not Required - Unless you need SqlCeMobile
SYSTEM_DEFAULT_FONTS - Required - Non Complex-Script Font Support - replaces COMPLEXSCRIPT_FONTS
Themes - Extra Themes
Transcriber - Transcriber - Not available in every language
UNISCRIBE - SIP Support for select non-WWE langs - replaces Transcriber
VoiceCommand - Voice Command - (0407, 0409, 040C, 0809)
VoIPOS - VoIP Part 2
Webview - IE 6on6 RenderCore component for OS use, WWE - replaces Webview_CS
Webview_CS - IE 6on6 RenderCore component for OS use, arabic - replaces Webview
WelcomeCenter - The WM6.5 Welcome Center - Required for "Help"
WindowsLive - Windows Live Mobile
WindowsLiveIM - Windows Live Instant Messaging
WMLiveSearchWidget - MS Live Search Widget
WMMoneyWidget - MS Money Widget
WMWeatherWidget - MS Weather Widget
WMWidgets - MS Widgets Support (Requires IE 6on6)
WWAN - WWAN Support (not in PDA Builds)


Last edited by wooptiewoous; 03-12-2010 at 09:17 AM.
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 08:55 AM
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Re: Ervius Visual Kitchen for Vogue SYS 23088

Thanks so much!!! I would press the thanks button again if I could!
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