Custom OEM Requests ...Get them here! Updated: 4/18/09
With the release of the PPCKitchen.org kitchen, I am sure that quite a few users have cab files they would like to include in the kitchen when cooking their own rom. Provide a cab or a link and I will convert the cab and upload it.
I have decided to contribute to PPCGeeks by doing this for people. The OEM's are archived with WinZip and be sure to unzip them with the folder options checked. The OEM's can be found in my FTP Folders; oems_for_roms, oems_for_roms2, oems_for_roms3, MegaPack_OEMs, A_C S2 OEMS, Today Theme OEM's, and oems_for_roms_themed. Or you can click the links below. Enjoy! MegaPack and Today Theme OEM's are in the second post. And a special thanks to Ervius for his Package Creator. And be sure to check back often! I usually just update the first post w/new OEM's! FreeWare OEM_Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3_2..........Schapps Advanced Configuration Tools v3.2 OEM_Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3_3..........Schapps Advanced Config Tools v3.3 OEM_Audible Air...........................................Audible .com reader OEM_Batti-2_3.............................................Batti Battery Guage v2.3 OEM_BatteryStatusExt_Clock_1_05.................Battery Status w/Today Plugin OEM_Diamond_Keyboard_gullum......................Diamond Skinned Keyboards (keyboard, keypad, qwerty) w/english layout OEM_eLiAs_autoHibernate1_1__0....................eLiAs's Auto Hibernate OEM_FdcSoft_Softkey_1_4 ...........................Softkey Applet OEM_fexploreext_v2.03.................................File Explorer Plugin v2.03 OEM_fexploreext_v2.05_CHT..........................File Explorer Plugin v2.05 OEM_galarm_v0.7.4......................................g-alarm v0.7.4 w/windows alarm bug fix. OEM_GpsViewer_PPC300_2577........................GPS Viewer OEM_GPSToday0.9.8.1..................................GPS Today v 0.98.1 w/ Geotagger installed. Allows Geo-Tagging of Pictures. OEM_GPSTodayApp_v0993_w_GeoMail-Tagger.....................GPSToday Application v0.9.9.3 (oem notes) OEM_GPSToday_v0993_w_GeoMail-Tagger..........................GPSToday Today Plug-in v0.9.9.3 (oem notes) OEM_greenbatteryfix.....................................Displays battery % in titlebar inside a battery outline OEM_HTC_Diamond_QWERTY..........................HTC Diamond QWERTY Keyboard OEM_HTC_GPS_TOOL_v1.1.1.0.......................HTC Quick GPS Tool v1.1.1.0 OEM_Help_2_Speak_1_1_WMClassicPro............Phrase/word translater OEM_iContact_v0.73....................................iContacts v0.73 Contacts Manager OEM_iContact_v0_8.....................................iContacts v0.8 Contacts Manager w/Setup utility OEM_Kee Pass wm6......................................Password Manager OEM_mLasqFM-1_1.......................................Music Player v1.1 OEM_MVBklight_v1.4.2..................................MVBklight v1.4.2 OEM_MusicID-T1_3_0...................................Music ID v1.30 OEM_MusicID_1_3_16_QVGA-by-lepsyfou_eng................Music ID v1.3.16 (onefile-wonder, I'm marking it green...) OEM_olivetreeCE30_PPC_ARM.........................Olive Tree Bible Reader w/ Webster-Bible OEM_Opera_Mini_v4.2.............Opera Mini v4.2 OEM_Opera_v9_5_Build_2392_QVGA_WWE........Opera v9.5 build 2392 OEM_PIE_v6_QVGA..................................... conflippers Flash 3.1 English, PIE6 OEMs OEM_InternetExplorer_v6_0.......................... conflippers Flash 3.1 English, PIE6 OEMs OEM_PocketDigtalClock_v1_1_7......................Pocket Digital Clock v1.1.7 OEM_PocketDigitalClock_v1_1_10 .................. Pocket Digital Clock v1.1.10 OEM_PocketNester_ARM_0.7..........................PocketNester 0.7 OEM_PocketSportsCenter_1_8........................Pocket Sports Center v1.8 (w/today plugin) OEM_pRSSreader-1_4_1................................pRss Reader v1.4.1 OEM_ptea-1_1.............................................pTea Timer v1.1 OEM_rar_ppc_v3_8_b1_arm............................Pocket RAR v3.8 beta1 OEM_Real Dice MC Poker_v4.32.......................Real Dice MC Poker v4.32 Internet Edition (Free w/e-mail registration) OEM_ResumePlugin1_1...................................WMP Resume Play Plugin v1.1 OEM_S2P-0_50-QVGA...................................Slide 2 Play v0.50 OEM_S2U2-1_18-QVGA.................................Slide 2 Unlock v1.18 OEM_S2U2-1_21-QVGA.................................Slide 2 Unlock v1.21 OEM_S2U2-1_22-QVGA.................................Slide 2 Unlock v1.22 OEM_S2U2-1_30-QVGA.................................Slide2Unlock2 v1.30 (OEM Notes) OEM_S2U2-1_35-QVGA.................................Slide2Unlock2 v1.30 (OEM Notes) OEM_S2U2-1_42-QVGA................................ S2U2 V1.42 QVGA OEM_S2U2-1_44-QVGA................................ S2U2 v1.44 QVGA OEM_S2U2-1_45-QVGA................................ S2U2 v1.45 QVGA OEM_S2V-0_38-QVGA...................................Slide 2 View v0.38 OEM_S2V-0_42-QVGA...................................Slide 2 View v0.42 OEM_S3Cube_Blank_Animation_3Sided..............S3 Cube by spunks3 for 3.xx Roms OEM_S3Cube_Blank_Animation_4Side...............S3 Cube by spunks3. For 3.xx Roms OEM_S3_Cube_Edit......................................S3 Cube Editor by spunks3. For 3.xx Roms OEM_SecondToday_v0.4.0............................Second Today Screen v0.4.0 (OEM Notes) OEM_Stock_Sprint_keyboard.........................Stock Sprint Keyboards OEM_SetVolume0_4b3..................................Diamond Volume Controller v4b3 OEM_ScaryBear_Today_Spacer_ARM...............ScaryBear Today Screen Spacer OEM_SetVolume0_4b3..................................Diamond Style Slider Volume Control v0.43b OEM_Seven_Mobile_Email_v7.1.5beta..............Seven Mobile Email v7.1.5(beta) Consumer Edition OEM_StopWatch_WM6.................................StopWatch v1.3 for WM6 OEM_StopWatch_QVGA_SETUP.................................. StopWatch QVGA 1/19/2009 OEM_sprint-navigation-htc-touchmr-2_0_16.....Sprint TeleNav v2.0.16 from Sprint's 3.03.651.4 Rom OEM_SMS_Scheduler_PPC_v1_3_01022008.......SMS Scheduler OEM_WeatherWatcherMob_v1.08.....................Weather Watcher Mobile v1.08 (Set to Raleigh, NC) OEM_WeatherPanel_v2.5.1_2009a....................WeatherPanel v2.5.1 2009 rev-a free (Fixed, set to Raleigh, NC where!?) WP_Theme_PhatPhinger_II_QVGA....................WeatherPanel PhatPhinger II Theme & Icons WP_Theme_Son-of-Commuter-240...................WeatherPanel Son-of-Commuter Theme & Icons ShareWare - w/Trial Period from OEM OEM_AEBPlus_v2.6.3....................................AEButton Plus v2.6.3 OEM_AllReaderPlus_v2.5...............................Allreader Plus v2.5 (trialware) OEM_ElecontWeather_c_ARMv4.....................Elecont Weather v1.0.723 Today Screen Plugin OEM_JiveTalk_0.5.2.13.................................Jive Talk Instant Messaging (30 day trial w/OEM) OEM_JiveTalk_v0_9_1_0...............................Jive Talk beta v0.9.1.0 (30 day trial w/OEM) OEM_BeejiveIM_v0.9.2.4...............................Jive Talk Beta v0.9.2.4 w/Today Plugin OEM_KeepTrack-v2.1.4.1027-PC-PkG..............Keep Track v2.1.4 OEM_kmsecurity_wm_sp_7_0_0_33_en............KM Security v7.0.0.33 OEM_Lexisgoo_Dictionary_v3_11.....................Lexisgoo Dictionary v3.1.1 Shareware OEM_ListPro_v5.0.0.2016..............................List Pro v5.0.0.2016 (trialware) OEM_MagiCall2_v2.0.0.173_PPC_Eng...............Magi Call v2.0.0.173 w/Today Plugin OEM_PdaNetSetupCEv1.8..............................PDANet v1.8 OEM_PdaNetCE_v2_0....................................PDANet v2.0 OEM_phoneAlarm_v2_06_Pro_arm....................Phone Alarm Pro v2.06 OEM_pTravelAlarm_v2.7.3_arm.......................Pocket Travel Alarm v2.7.3 Today Plugin OEM_PocketBreeze_QVGA_v5_4_1_WM5..........Pocket Breeze v5.4.1 OEM_Pocket_Tunes4_1_0_2044......................Pocket-Tunes v4.1 for windows mobile. (15 day trial w/OEM) OEM_Pocket_Tunes_v4.1.1............................Pocket-Tunes v4.1.1 for windows mobile. (15 day trial w/OEM) OEM_Pocket_Player_v3.6_PPC300_2577...........Conduits Pocket Player v3.6 OEM_PocketPlayer_v3.7_WM..........................Conduits Pocket Player v3.7 w/Today Plugin OEM_PocketStars_v5.5.0_arm........................Pocket Stars v5.5.0 (trialware) OEM_PowerSMS_v1.2.....................................Power SMS v1.2 shareware OEM_rescoexploreren_v7_05_p_ARM................Resco Explorer v7.05 OEM_RKeyboard_v5_10_p_ARM.......................Resco Keyboard Pro v5.1 OEM_RKeyboard_p_v5_21_QVGA ................... Resco Keyboard v5.21 QVGA OEM_RescoKeyboard_v5.01_QVGA_p_ARM........Resco Keyboard v5.1 QVGA OEM_rescokeyboard_Skins_17ea.....................Resco Keyboard QVGA Skins (17 different ones!) OEM_RescoBackup_v1.2_p_ARM.....................Resco Backup v1.2 (trialware) OEM_sbsh_pocketWeather_v2.1.0_0409_QVGA....SBSH Pocket Weather v2.1.0 English, QVGA (OEM Notes) OEM_SiriusWM5...........................................Sirius for WM5 (Requires login) OEM_Skyfire_Beta_4721_PPC50......................SkyFire Beta v4721 OEM_smms_full_v0.6.3.33852.........................SomeGuyMMS sMMS v0.6.3.33852 OEM_Spb_Finance_v2.8.0_QVGA_arm..............Spb Finance v2.8.0 Qvga (15 day trial w/OEM) OEM_Spb_Imageer_v1_6_arm.........................Spb Imageer v1.6 w/Spb ScreenShot (15 day trail w/OEM) OEM_Spb_Insight_v1_5_1_arm.......................Spb Insight v1.5.1 RSS NewsReader w/Today PlugIn (15 day trial w/OEM) OEM_Spb_FullScreenKeyboard_v3.0.1_QVGA.....Spb FullScreenKeyboard v3.0.1 (15 day trial w/OEM) OEM_Spb_PhoneSuite_v1_3_arm.....................Spb Phone Suite v1.3 (15 day trial w/OEM) OEM_SpbWallet_v1.5.1_arm...........................Spb Wallet v1.5.1 OEM_Spb_Weather_v1_7_4_QVGA_arm............Spb Weather v1.7.4 (15 day trial w/OEM) OEM_TouchPal_wm6_1_v3_5.rar.....................TouchPal for WinMo v6.1 v3.5 (no trial w/OEM. Works w/out advanced features.) OEM_Vito_EyePhoto_v1.1..............................Vito's Eye Photo v1.1 (trialware) OEM_WeatherRadar_PPC_5_2_0......................Weather Radar viewer, trialware. (10 day trial w/OEM) OEM_WebIS_Pocket_Informant_v8.1_QVGA...............Pocket Informant v8.1 QVGA (see OEM Notes) OEM_WebIS_Pocket_Informant_v8.1_VGA.................Pocket Informant v8.1 VGA (see OEM notes) OEM_WebIS_Pocket_Informant_v8.5_QVGA...............Pocket Informant v8.5 QVGA (OEM Notes) OEM_wisbar_adv_v3.2.b1_wm6...............................WiseBar Advanced v3.2c beta 1 OEM_wisbarbar3_skin_Vista%20Ultimate%20Mobile......WisebarAdvanced theme Vista Ultimate Mobile w/Vista welcomehead.96.png Shareware - No Trial from OEM OEM_DinarSoftMemMaid_en_v2.3...................Mem Maid v2.3 OEM_pocket_fitaly_v5_Classic_winmo.............Pocket fitaly Keyboard v5 w/Classic Skin OEM_pocket_fitaly_v5_Blue_winmo.................Pocket fitaly Keyboard v5 w/Blue Skin OEM_wisbaradv2.9.0.2_armv4i-WM5...............WisBar Advance v2 (shareware $9.99, no trial w/OEM) Edit: As of 7/14/08 Files in green are verified as working, Files in blue are unverified, Files in orange are verified with some features not working, Files in Red have issues!? Disclaimer: I cannot personally test all these, and not all cab's can be oem'd without some trickery. I will do my best to convert and upload as quickly as I can, any issues...search this thread. *** LET ME KNOW IF THEY DO NOT WORK! That way I can try to fix them.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!
Last edited by rstoyguy; 05-29-2009 at 09:50 PM. Reason: added ShareWare Expiration Info... |
This post has been thanked 147 times. |
Re: Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!
This Post contains Multi-Program OEM's, and TodayTheme OEM's.
My MegaPacks are located here on the FTP. My TodayThemes are located here on the FTP. MegaPack OEM's: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OEM_MegaPack_Manilla2d_OEM_Vx.xx - Moved to themes forum Custom M2D OEM Theme Requests 11/11/2008 - Was getting too big for here... ![]() OEM_MegaPack_Games_v1.3 Includes the following 17 Games: - Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games ........................DopeWars, Kevtris, Pocket Sand, Tripzee. - Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Arcade ..............PacMan, Ms. Pacman, Frogger, , GemSwap, ICBM, Distant Galaxies. - Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Card Games ........Freecell, Hearts. - Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Strategy ............MasterMind, Rubik Cube, Chess, Pocket Sudoku, Crosswords. -- Added Distant Galaxies OEM_MegaPack_GPS_v1.5 Includes the following 6 GPS Programs: --- GpsToday w/GeoTagger, GeoWeather, and GeoLogger --- GpsViewer_PPC300_2577 --- Virtual Earth Mobile v1.68 --- GoogleMaps v2.2.0.16 --- VisualGPSceInstall v1.2.106 --- HTC GPS Tool v1.2.1.26 --- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\GPS -- Updated Gps Today to v0.9.9.1 Now with GeoWeather, and GeoLogger! -- Updated Google Maps v2.2.0.16 "DO NOT OPERATE WHILE DRIVING"! OEM_Megapack_S2U2.v1.22_S2V.0.42_S2P.v0.50...............Updated 9/14/2008 Includes the following 3 Apps from A_C: --- Slide 2 View v0.42 --- Slide 2 Unlock 2 v1.22 --- Slide 2 Play v0.50 OEM_Megapack_MyUtils_v1.3 --- Total Commander w/Tweak for 2 window mode, "\" and "\Storage Card\". And sorted by name. --- PHM RegEdit --- KeePass Password Manager --- PIMBackup v2.8 --- ScreenCapture by Illumsoft --- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Utilities -- Updated Total Commander to v2.5b3 7/23/08 OEM_Megapack_MyUtils_v1.4...............................Updated 8/27/08 --- Total Commander v2.5b3 w/Tweak for 2 window mode, "\" and "\Storage Card\". And sorted by name. --- PHM RegEdit --- KeePass Password Manager --- PIMBackup v2.8 --- ScreenCapture by Illumsoft --- Pocket RAR v3.71 --- Nyx Hex Editor --- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Utilities -- Added PocketRAR, and Nyx Hex Editor OEM_MegaPack_RescoExplorer_v7.05_FTP_REG --- Resco Explorer v7.05 --- Resco Explorer FTP Plugin --- Resco Explorer Registry Plugin - Sorry, no sorry Today Plugin included. ![]() OEM_MegaPack_RescoExplorer_v7.03_FTP_REG_Today --- Resco Explorer v7.03 --- Resco Explorer FTP Plugin --- Resco Explorer Registry Plugin --- Resco Today PlugIn --- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Utilities -- Optional Today Theme: Skin_Resco_Today_Alfa_qvga -- Optional Today Theme: Skin_Resco_Today_Compact_qvga -- Optional Today Theme: Skin_Resco_Today_Smile_qvga Today Theme OEM's: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NOTE: You must delete "mxipcold_wpc_2.provxml" if it exists!!!! OEM_TodayTheme - Metal.................................................. ."Metal" Today Theme OEM_TodayTheme - MobileMatt_carbon_extrablack_blackbars.....Black. Theme and Bars OEM_TodayTheme - MobileMatt_Black and White......................Black on top, fades into White on the Bottom OEM_TodayTheme - MobileMatt_Grunge..................................Purplish/Pink Theme OEM_TodayTheme_Alltel_Blue OEM_TodayTheme_Alltel_Green OEM_TodayTheme_Alltel_Purple OEM_TodayTheme_Autumn OEM_TodayTheme_Bliss OEM_TodayTheme_Blue_Sky_Green_Field OEM_TodayTheme_Cirusus_Clouds OEM_TodayTheme_ClassicBlack OEM_TodayTheme_Grass_b2 OEM_TodayTheme_broncos OEM_TodayTheme_chiefs Current Requests Pending: -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- OEM's to fix: None that I'm aware of... Last edited by rstoyguy; 12-02-2008 at 01:07 AM. |
This post has been thanked 49 times. |
This post has been thanked 3 times. |
Re: Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=OEM%20Package%20Tutorial Thanks for trying to save me a little work, and now I'm busted! This was all part of my evil plan to expand my own personal cab collection. ![]() Edit: Here is a link to a working Ervias's Package Creator. It's a little bumpy getting it started sometimes... Last edited by rstoyguy; 08-05-2008 at 10:30 PM. |
This post has been thanked 7 times. |
Re: Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!
GPS Viewer would be a popular OEM. But yeah good lookin out rstoyguy!
HTC Jewel: viperROM eLiTE v1.2, TWRP 2.1.7, stock kernel/radio
Misc: HTC Kaiser, Vogue, Titan, Herman, Rhodium, Supersonic, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 Need software? Use coupon code PPCGEEKS to enjoy free shipping at CheapAntiVirus.com! |
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Re: Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!
![]() I think I did manage to struggle through it and created a Pocket Mechanic OEM and cook it into a new ROM without any errors... but I'll be really surprised if it flashes correctly.
Re: Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!
Re: Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!
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Re: Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!
The gps megapack shows up under "Navigation" and is named "OEM_MegaPack_GPS_v1.2" |
Re: Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!
OEM_MegaPack_Games_v1.21 ..........................Mega Game Pack v1.21 Last edited by rstoyguy; 07-24-2008 at 08:45 AM. |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
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