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  #301 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2008, 08:54 PM
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Question Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

The power switch is useless completely. I cant use it to put the device into sleep mode or take it out. I have to let it time out to sleep and use other buttons to wake it up.

The power button was damaged when I dropped the phone... However, I am not sure if the power button is stuck in a on position (electricall) and what the effect of that would be, if any, on a signed ROM. My guess is the effect of this would be the same on both a signed and a unsigned ROM.

The loading of the stock OS goes thru fine. After the loading is done and it resets that is when it seems to hang up on the second boot image... only for stock ROMs. I get the htc image first (boot splash) and then the VZW image (sub splash)...where it hangs up!

I have tried flashing it twice from the PC and once using the SD card method detailed at the beginning of this thread. Same results in both cases... Any suggestions?
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Last edited by amancharlas; 06-28-2008 at 01:18 AM.
  #302 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2008, 04:15 PM
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Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

OK, so I believe I have royally screwed this up and would appreciate any help.

1) I renamed the .nbh file from Sprint's official package to VOGUIMG.nbh, put it on the memory card that came shipped with the Touch (was already formatted to Fat32), and inserted it. When I put it into bootloader, it says loading for about half a second and then goes back to the rainbow screen, whcih says:


2) Using the mtty program, I did the following:

set 16 0

It freezes on the "loading image" part of the boot command, and then the Touch becomes frozen on the HTC welcome screen.

Anyone else have any ideas of what I could do to fix this?
  #303 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2008, 01:55 AM
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Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

is it a sprint phone? and what is the exact file you had and what file did you rename? you might just need to rename the larger nbh in the same file.
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
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  #304 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2008, 11:37 AM
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Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

Yes, its a Sprint touch. First I tried renaming the RUU_signed file from:


Which is the big 90MB file. Then I tried the one that is attached to the OP which is is a few hundred KB.
  #305 (permalink)  
Old 07-05-2008, 12:47 PM
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Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

Like an idiot I started doing a GPS performance tweak before reading the entire instructions and ran the PPST for sprint file on my verizon phone. That left me unable to make data connections. I was having terrible trouble getting the instructions to work to downgrade my phone. I already had unlocker 2.31 on the phone. Using the sprint ROM I was unable to flash to anything useful. I used the official alltel image and then worked my way back up to the OMJ rom for Verizon and everything works now. Thanks to everyone here, without reading this thread I would have been screwed.

I used a 1gb microsd, I could be insane, but it seems that I had to label the card before it would read the image file. I formatted the card to fat32 the slow way, with no label and copied the image file with no luck. I formatted again with a quick format and gave it a label, and it read the image no problem.

Last edited by dogboy66; 07-05-2008 at 12:51 PM.
  #306 (permalink)  
Old 07-24-2008, 03:51 PM
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Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

Originally Posted by mardukeme View Post
Edited *This will help those that are stuck at the HTC welcome screen and cannot get past it to load IMCokeMan's Unlocker.**
Edit by ImCoKeMaN: If you are stuck in bootloader (3 color screen) use titanexitbl or mtty (set 16 0 then task first and try these steps only if that doesn't work.

Apparently you can not use SDHC cards with this method, please use the 512mb card that came with your phone.

I have successfully unbricked my phone due to updating the Alltel rom to a non Alltel Vogue, before IMCokeman had released his unlocker an also have downgraded to the previous SPL version. I will shortly update this post with the How to instructions. I just need to retrace my steps.

I would first like to thank IMCokeMan for his help and unlocker.

I currently have a Sprint Vogue but I assume this will work for all versions

For those that had loaded the Alltel rom without the unlocker and have bricked there phone try this procedure to unbrick your phone.

1. First download IMCokeMaN's 2.31 Unlocker. http://rapidshare.com/files/11019074...r_MFG_2.31.exe
2. Extract IMCokeMan's unlocker

Previous SPL version was 2.31 current SPL version is 0.36

Edit by ImCoKeMaN:
Note: Steps 3, 4 and 5 should not be necessary, but step 6 is critical that it is a signed rom from your carrier

3. Navigate to the extracted folder and within the folder you will find the following file called VOGUIMAG2.nbh and rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh

4. Copy the file to a fat32 memory card, and insert it back into your phone, and place it into bootloader mode.

5. The phone should display Loading... let it sit there for a minute or so. It will not go past this screen, now reboot the phone.

6. Extract your official rom (Must be a signed EXE from your carrier, check here)

7. Navigate to the extracted folder and within the folder you will find the following file called ruu_signed.nbh and rename it to VOGUIMG.nbh

8. Copy the file to your memory card (less than 2gb and formated fat32) and insert it back into the phone and place it back into bootloader mode, and install the your Carrier's Official ROM.

I have attached the VOGUIMG.nbh file for those that are having problems.

Is there something like this for the mogul?
  #307 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 11:24 AM
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Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
there is nothing about the unlocker that would prevent a signed rom from being loaded. You need to stay in bootloader to flash those too though. When you say power button is not working do you mean power will put it in standby, but not take it out? if so hat is because you don't have a GPS ready OS (aka verizon stock)
I am stuck at the rainbow screen - the computer will not recognize there is something connected to it. - ideas?
  #308 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 03:45 PM
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Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

some one help. whats version is the spl on the phone before unlocked, and any custom rom installed on it?
  #309 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 08:32 PM
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Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

how do you put the phone in bootloader mode????????
  #310 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2008, 04:34 AM
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Unhappy Re: Unbricking Vogue / and downgrading SPL

help please...got to coke's unlocker.
how do i get the ruu_signed.nbh file from the .exe?
I'm with bell. can someone send me the bell ruu_signed.nbh file?
noob here

bootloader - press the power, camera buttons then insert the stylus into the hole beside the usb - can someone confirm?
help please, and thank you!!!!
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