Originally Posted by armus
So ok, all these threads posted all over and I'd like to see a nice easy post on how to make the GPS work. Anyone have ideas? If it takes a custom rom, which? And won't a custom rom remove the upgrades from the patch, or do you just go back and reflash the new radio that someone posted? I have found a post of the "missing files" with the exception of qccmquery.dll. So far no dice loading the other two but then again, I don't quite know what to do. So any help for the noobs?
Do you have an Alltel device?
ONLY If so, upgrade to this rom (if you haven't), and then copieing those three files "may" enable GPS.
If you do not have an Alltel device, then it's just a waiting game until ImCokeMan can get his progress tested, if all works then everyone else should be able to use the custom rom he made, and at least get Rev. A, and hopefully GPS working too.
So for now, we all wait in anticipation!