View Poll Results: What applications should be included in the Action Screen
New Email
04orgzx6r, 2logical, alcorelli, Atomic2Mod, bayushikitsune, bestjudge, Biggzz, BlackOceaN, blackwater888, bporter001, bstott, butchwhitt, capthr, chino331, Compusmurf, DaBlu1, dadiojpn, DaOnlyRecless, davenukem, Debi1961, derrall318, domaingrey, dr g, eldersoul, epitaphromance, Fatstrings, fremaxam, Ghenarys, gretschpr, hamidxa, Hawaiian80, hhassan54, hibby50, highlife22, HTCproDVS, ibleedbloo, ilstec, Indie, Insatiable, inspiringdesigns, itouch24, jamiebass, JBundy, jgzesh, jimmur, jopaaron, jowalamar, Khaled_Chebat, kingtouch11, knife, ksawatsky, kyppcgeek, leanne, lolo1872, LoungeLizard, Lthorus, LunaticSerenade, Major_Nate, maxamillz, Monks7766, montecristo1, MoonZ*BabysH, Mutiny32, netengineer, neudof, newvet, nico4k, NinjaDuck, noggind614, ohenebajoy, pezx44, queknight, rekojlol, relic419, rell0202, rogerp, rojaa, rsohne, rujelus22, Rusty Duck, samg95, scaredwitless, scicarb, scorpionreign, seanworks925, selders59, seven2, shakezzzullaa, SkidBox2, Spambox, spokenwordd, Table83, tds1225, thacounty, tpal, tranquillo, trey.willis, utctigers, vashthegreen, Vertigo, vizovizo, weezertom, willnj, zampa
105 |
52.76% |
New Contact
2logical, aksarben, Atomic2Mod, bayushikitsune, bestjudge, BlackOceaN, bporter001, brykass07, bstott, bwhite4801, bwill, capthr, Compusmurf, dadiojpn, DaOnlyRecless, davenukem, Debi1961, derrall318, dobest, dr g, epitaphromance, fat boy, fremaxam, Ghenarys, gretschpr, hamidxa, Hawaiian80, henbone11, hhassan54, hibby50, highlife22, htcman724, htcolmenares, HTCproDVS, ilstec, Insatiable, inspiringdesigns, jamiebass, jowalamar, Khaled_Chebat, kid_29, kingtouch11, ksawatsky, kyppcgeek, leanne, LeoKnightas, lolo1872, LoungeLizard, LunaticSerenade, maf23, Major_Nate, mindcrime11, mrfett79, netengineer, nico4k, noggind614, ohenebajoy, onetwothree, pezx44, ppggpg, PROBEX, queknight, rogerp, rujelus22, scicarb, scorpionreign, seanworks925, seven2, shadowfender42, shakezzzullaa, shinykun, Skelator03, Spambox, spokenwordd, tranquillo, Vertigo, vizovizo, weezertom, wILLk0r3 818, zampa
81 |
40.70% |
New Calendar Entry
2logical, aksarben, Atomic2Mod, bayushikitsune, bestjudge, blackwater888, bporter001, bstott, butchwhitt, bwhite4801, bwill, capthr, Compusmurf, dadiojpn, DaOnlyRecless, davenukem, Debi1961, domaingrey, dr g, eenieMINI, eldersoul, epitaphromance, fat boy, Fatstrings, fremaxam, gretschpr, hamidxa, Hawaiian80, henbone11, hhassan54, hibby50, highlife22, htcolmenares, HTCproDVS, ilstec, Insatiable, inspiringdesigns, itouch24, jamiebass, JBundy, jmorton10, jowalamar, Khaled_Chebat, ksawatsky, kyppcgeek, leanne, LunaticSerenade, maf23, Major_Nate, mindcrime11, MoonZ*BabysH, mrfett79, Mutiny32, netengineer, nico4k, noggind614, ohenebajoy, onetwothree, pezx44, ppggpg, queknight, rebal1oo, rekojlol, rell0202, rogerp, rojaa, rujelus22, Rusty Duck, scicarb, scorpionreign, seanworks925, selders59, shakezzzullaa, shinykun, SkidBox2, Spambox, spokenwordd, Table83, thacounty, tranquillo, Vertigo, vizovizo, weezertom, willnj, zampa
86 |
43.22% |
New Task and New Note (both with stay or go)
aksarben, Atomic2Mod, bestjudge, Big D5, bmb2n, bstott, butchwhitt, bwill, capthr, Compusmurf, dadiojpn, DaOnlyRecless, domaingrey, dr g, eenieMINI, eldersoul, epitaphromance, fat boy, Fatstrings, fremaxam, gretschpr, hamidxa, Hawaiian80, henbone11, highlife22, htcolmenares, ibleedbloo, Insatiable, inspiringdesigns, itouch24, jamiebass, JBundy, jimmur, jopaaron, jowalamar, Khaled_Chebat, kiit408, kyppcgeek, lmacario, lolo1872, LoungeLizard, Lthorus, LunaticSerenade, mindcrime11, mmaniack, MoonZ*BabysH, Nealio, noggind614, ohenebajoy, onetwothree, prabir, rebal1oo, relic419, rojaa, rujelus22, scicarb, scorpionreign, selders59, SkidBox2, Spambox, spokenwordd, Table83, thacounty, theards, tranquillo, UBERG33K, utctigers, vizovizo, weezertom, wILLk0r3 818, willnj, zampa
73 |
36.68% |
New Alarm
2logical, Atomic2Mod, bstott, dadiojpn, Deimoss, eenieMINI, epitaphromance, fremaxam, geotravelcat, gnatsstang, gretschpr, hamidxa, Hawaiian80, henbone11, hhassan54, hibby50, htcolmenares, ibleedbloo, ilstec, Insatiable, itouch24, jamiebass, jopaaron, jowalamar, jreimers, Khaled_Chebat, kid_29, kiit408, kingtouch11, kyppcgeek, leanne, LoungeLizard, Lthorus, LunaticSerenade, Monks7766, newvet, ohenebajoy, prabir, psabo05, rebal1oo, rell0202, rogerp, rojaa, scaredwitless, scorpionreign, selders59, seven2, shakezzzullaa, Spambox, spokenwordd, thacounty, tranquillo, utctigers, Vertigo, weezertom, willnj, zampa
58 |
29.15% |
2logical, aksarben, alcorelli, bbsandkm, BlackOceaN, Bradleyj44, Brooklyncat, bstott, bwill, chino331, dada669, dadiojpn, darkspider2042, davenukem, fat boy, FelonyInc, fremaxam, Ghenarys, gnatsstang, gretschpr, henbone11, hhassan54, highlife22, Houndx, htcolmenares, Indie, itouch24, jamiebass, JBundy, jgzesh, jopaaron, kid_29, kiit408, kingtouch11, knewBee4lyfe, knife, kyppcgeek, leanne, LoungeLizard, LunaticSerenade, maxamillz, mindcrime11, mmaniack, Monks7766, montecristo1, mrfett79, Mutiny32, Nealio, netengineer, neudof, nico4k, ohenebajoy, pezx44, queknight, raybond25, rb37, rebelmuddlite, relic419, rell0202, rogerp, rojaa, rsohne, rstoyguy, Rusty Duck, scaredwitless, scicarb, scorpionreign, shadowfender42, shinykun, Skelator03, snupspangler, Spambox, spokenwordd, TallGuyTech, thacounty, theards, tpal, trey.willis, UBERG33K, vizovizo, wILLk0r3 818, wombshifta, zampa
85 |
42.71% |
WiFi / Bluetooth (both will stay)
2logical, aaronpoweruser, ajac, aksarben, alcorelli, Atomic2Mod, bayushikitsune, bestjudge, BlackOceaN, brandouno, bwill, cannibalslug, capthr, Ceez222, chino331, Compusmurf, dadiojpn, DaOnlyRecless, darcyjames, darkspider2042, davenukem, Debi1961, Deimoss, domaingrey, dr g, eenieMINI, fat boy, fremaxam, furrelkt, Ghenarys, Glave, gnatsstang, gretschpr, Hawaiian80, henbone11, hhassan54, highlife22, Houndx, htcolmenares, HTCproDVS, ibleedbloo, icecubed180, Indie, inspiringdesigns, itouch24, jamiebass, JBundy, jimmur, jopaaron, jreimers, Khaled_Chebat, kiit408, kingtouch11, knife, ksawatsky, kyppcgeek, LoungeLizard, Lthorus, LunaticSerenade, mmaniack, Monks7766, montecristo1, MoonZ*BabysH, mrfett79, Mutiny32, Nealio, netengineer, neudof, nico4k, NinjaDuck, noggind614, ohenebajoy, onetwothree, pezx44, ppggpg, prabir, rb37, rebelmuddlite, relic419, rell0202, RockSta®, rojaa, rsohne, rujelus22, Rusty Duck, scaredwitless, scicarb, scorpionreign, seanworks925, seven2, shakezzzullaa, shawnpinckney582, shinykun, Skelator03, Spambox, spokenwordd, TallGuyTech, thacounty, theards, tranquillo, trey.willis, UBERG33K, utctigers, vashthegreen, Vertigo, vizovizo, voyagerross, wombshifta, xfelix, zampa
112 |
56.28% |
04orgzx6r, 2logical, bbsandkm, BlackOceaN, brandouno, bwhite4801, chino331, CuzinBucksBx, dadiojpn, darcyjames, Debi1961, fat boy, FelonyInc, Ghenarys, hamidxa, Hawaiian80, henbone11, hhassan54, Houndx, HTCproDVS, ilstec, Indie, inspiringdesigns, jamiebass, jimmur, jreimers, kiit408, knewBee4lyfe, kyppcgeek, LunaticSerenade, montecristo1, MoonZ*BabysH, mrfett79, Nealio, neudof, nico4k, NinjaDuck, ohenebajoy, pezx44, ppggpg, prabir, rb37, rebelmuddlite, RockSta®, rstoyguy, rujelus22, Rusty Duck, samg95, scaredwitless, shakezzzullaa, shinykun, SkidBox2, utctigers, vizovizo, xfelix, zampa
58 |
29.15% |
04orgzx6r, 2logical, aksarben, alcorelli, bayushikitsune, bestjudge, BlackOceaN, blackwater888, bporter001, brandouno, bstott, bwhite4801, bwill, capthr, chino331, Compusmurf, CuzinBucksBx, dadiojpn, DaOnlyRecless, darcyjames, darkspider2042, davenukem, Debi1961, defamed01, Deimoss, derrall318, dmbatson, domaingrey, dr g, dsfa, eenieMINI, epitaphromance, fat boy, Fatstrings, fergdogg23, fremaxam, Ghenarys, GM Enthusiast, gnatsstang, goofy, hamidxa, Hawaiian80, henbone11, hhassan54, hibby50, highlife22, Houndx, htcolmenares, ibleedbloo, Indie, Insatiable, inspiringdesigns, itouch24, jamiebass, JBundy, jgzesh, jimmur, jopaaron, jreimers, Khaled_Chebat, kid_29, kiit408, kingtouch11, knife, ksawatsky, kyppcgeek, leanne, lolo1872, LoungeLizard, Lthorus, maf23, Major_Nate, maxamillz, mindcrime11, Monks7766, montecristo1, MoonZ*BabysH, mrfett79, Mutiny32, MySupraWillSmokeYourPOS, Nealio, netengineer, neudof, newvet, nico4k, ohenebajoy, Oric, pastert33, pezx44, ppggpg, prabir, PROBEX, queknight, rb37, rebal1oo, rebelmuddlite, rekojlol, relic419, rell0202, rogerp, rootlinux, rujelus22, Rusty Duck, SBR_L3GION, scaredwitless, scicarb, scorpionreign, seanworks925, seven2, shadowfender42, shakezzzullaa, Skelator03, SkidBox2, Spambox, spokenwordd, sprinttouch666, TallGuyTech, tds1225, Technology1, thacounty, theards, theclerk74, tlaudio, tranquillo, trey.willis, UBERG33K, vashthegreen, Vertigo, vizovizo, WarChild, wILLk0r3 818, xfelix, zampa
137 |
68.84% |
Total Commander/File manager
04orgzx6r, 2logical, aksarben, Atomic2Mod, atuljghodke, bayushikitsune, bbsandkm, bestjudge, BlackOceaN, bporter001, brandouno, bstott, butchwhitt, bwhite4801, bwill, cannibalslug, capthr, chino331, chronster, CuzinBucksBx, dadiojpn, DaOnlyRecless, darcyjames, davenukem, Deimoss, dmbatson, domaingrey, dr g, eenieMINI, ElAguila, elboriqua176, epitaphromance, fremaxam, geotravelcat, Ghenarys, gnatsstang, gretschpr, hamidxa, henbone11, hibby50, highlife22, Houndx, htcolmenares, HTCproDVS, ibleedbloo, Indie, Insatiable, itouch24, jamiebass, jgzesh, jopaaron, jreimers, Khaled_Chebat, kyppcgeek, LoungeLizard, Lthorus, LunaticSerenade, maf23, Major_Nate, mindcrime11, mmaniack, Monks7766, montecristo1, MoonZ*BabysH, mrfett79, netengineer, newvet, nico4k, NinjaDuck, noggind614, ohenebajoy, onetwothree, parth6512, pezx44, ppggpg, prabir, PROBEX, rebelmuddlite, regificus, rekojlol, relic419, rell0202, rogerp, rsohne, rujelus22, Rusty Duck, samg95, scaredwitless, scicarb, selders59, shadowfender42, shakezzzullaa, Skelator03, SkidBox2, Spambox, spokenwordd, sprintnerd, TallGuyTech, thacounty, theards, tpal, tranquillo, trey.willis, utctigers, vashthegreen, Vertigo, vizovizo, wILLk0r3 818, willnj, xfelix
112 |
56.28% |