Issues in WM 6.5?
Well, for one thing, the new htmlnote.dll is sadly worse than the 6.1 one. When texting, if you remain in the thread in which you have the conversation, even if you reply to a new message, it is not registered as read, until you close out of the application. WHY would Microsoft do that? o_O Or has this been fixed?
Also, I believe this also has to do with the htmlnote.dll, but the newer Archsoft MMS is not able to enable attaching mms to a conversation in threaded view. In the new compose view, it works, but not in the threaded view. Any fix for this? Looked many places.
This last one, I know that there is a fix for it, but I just couldn't FIND it: Phonecanvas scrolling causes overlapping on contacts. I've looked around and found roms that have this issue fixed, but I don't know HOW to fix this issue. Anyone on this?