Arcsoft MMS questions
So I used EnergyROM and with USCC had to run the .cabs to get MMS working. I have a few questions.
In Connections, the name for the settings is "NETWORK" (General Tab) and my connection is named "DATA" (under Modem tab for #777).
For the MMS settings, I have the server address for MMS set in but not sure what to put in for "Connect Via." The Options are "NETWORK", "My Work Network", "My ISP", "Work" Secure WAP Network", "The WAP Network", and "The Internet."
The guide says "My ISP" yet my connection previously named is "NETWORK." However, I thought WinMo called the connection "The Internet." So I am confused of which 3 to use. I don't get MMSs too often but would like to be able to.
Any help would be appreciated!