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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 09:55 PM
Taikunman's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC Touch Pro
Carrier: Bell
Location: Vancouver, Canada
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Recieving blank SMS with no message

Hello everyone,

I've got an issue with my Bell CDMA Touch Pro that has confounded me for a couple weeks and would really appreciate any insight you guys can offer.

I've been missing a number of SMS messages, they just don't show up when someone sends one to me. Also, there have been a couple I have received with no message body, just the name of the person and nothing else. I was running Mighty Rom 6 for the longest time, switched the latest Energy ROM, then back to MR6 when I noticed the issue but it happens regardless of the ROM. I also tried the latest Telus radio with no change. I use Microsoft Myphone to backup and restore my SMS, which screws up the date and timestamps, but I'm not sure if that's related.

Before I start yelling at Bell about this, could it be something wrong with my TP I'm missing? Apologies if this has been asked/fixed before, I've done quite a bit of searching over the last few days and haven't found anything. Thanks for the help!
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