My primary internet connection went down tonight, so I'm now tethering through ATT Wireless. Here are my speeds:
It's slow as canine feces rolling up a hill, (I'm used to a 10Mbps connection), but at least I have an internet connection. I was damned near going stir crazy w/o internet access, and then I remembered that I can easily tether with the HTC Wifi Tether application. I have my phone plugged into the charging base, so I'm easily able to have as long as an internet connection that I want to.

Plus, having a 3000mAh battery helps too. I've been connected online for 6 hours now, (and simultaneous voice usage totaling about an hour), and I still have a 94% battery charge remaining.
Thank god for having a baqckup method to connect to the internet. The only bad part is that I can only connect one of my computers to the internet, instead of my entire network, but at least I'm online.
