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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2009, 11:00 AM
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Software causing my phone to flash on and off?

I have posted this on the Mighty4 thread as well, but since it may not be related to that specific ROM, I was hoping to get some help from others as well. Help is much appreciated! Thanks!!

I among many others really prefer MightyROM 4 over 6 as well. I'm just not a big fan of 6.5, so I've been on the newest version for quite some time. I've been having a few problems as of lately though. I first noticed it about 3-4 weeks ago when I installed SSMaPa and tried configuring a certain button. Well I don't think that went very well and a few days later my phone's screen was flashing on and off and I couldn't control anything. It wasn't the screen going out, it was all software making it do that. I have S2U2 installed so when the screen would flash on for a second, I was able to move the slider most of the way across the screen before it shut off and came back on. If I held my finger in the same spot, when the screen came back on in a second I could move it all the way over to unlock. Once unlocked, there was system pop-up that said something along the lines of "the phone is going to turn off. all data will be lost". Even if I selected Yes, the phone continued having the same problem. At one point, I was able to turn off TF3D because I assumed it was SSMaPa that messed up something with the manilla. I hard reset, but still got the same problem once it came back. It was then that I realized I was going to have to reflash the ROM because it wasn't going to be fixed from the hard reset, because it changed the system manilla that doesn't change when hard reset.

Well I reflashed it and everything seemed back to normal. Now about 4 weeks later, I'm getting the same problem. I have not installed any new software recently, so I don't understand what is going on. I am on the most recent version of MightyROM4, and I'm wondering if it is something with that which will happen over time or if it is something else causing this. As I'm typing this, I start to think that the first time I had this problem was about the 3-4 weeks after flashing to this new ROM as well. One other thing is that the phone powers on immediately upon inserting the battery when this problem is occurring, and it doesn't require you to power it on withe power button. Any one have any ideas or suggestions? I've listed some of the software that I can think of that is on my phone below:

* Google Maps
* hTorch
* Flexilis
* SmartPhoneTracker
* Resco Brain Games
* Bing
* MusicID

Last edited by kernel610; 09-06-2009 at 02:11 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2009, 03:20 PM
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Re: Software causing my phone to flash on and off?

For an update, I just tried flashing to the same ROM and had the same problem. I then flashed to Energy's ROM, still the same. I re-flashed HardSPL, then back to Mighty4, and yet again the same problem. It almost seems as if there must be something wrong with my phone, however I was able to solve the problem last time by reflashing the phone. Anyone experience this before? I searched Google and found someone else who had a similar problem but there was never a listed resolution.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2009, 03:30 PM
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Re: Software causing my phone to flash on and off?

well, when trying to isolate a problem like this, it's best to try flashing the shipped rom. not every rom will re-flash every area of programming, but the shipped usually does.

I think your problem is likely a sticky power button. (otherwise your phone wouldn't power up on its own when battery is inserted)
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Old 09-06-2009, 03:54 PM
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Re: Software causing my phone to flash on and off?

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
well, when trying to isolate a problem like this, it's best to try flashing the shipped rom. not every rom will re-flash every area of programming, but the shipped usually does.

I think your problem is likely a sticky power button. (otherwise your phone wouldn't power up on its own when battery is inserted)
I've got to agree with the last poster on both counts. A flash back to stock ROM is often recommended as a fix for different "glitches". However, I agree with his 2nd comment the most, and it being a hardware / button problem. Your comment below definitely seems to point to an issue with the power button itself. That's the message you normally get when you hold down the power button for an extended period of time.

Originally Posted by kernel610 View Post
Once unlocked, there was system pop-up that said something along the lines of "the phone is going to turn off. all data will be lost".
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Old 09-06-2009, 04:01 PM
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Re: Software causing my phone to flash on and off?

thanks for both comments!!! Damn, I never even thought about the sticky power button, duuuuh! I'll try out both options and post the results for anyone else with similar problems. Thanks again!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2009, 05:37 PM
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Re: Software causing my phone to flash on and off?

As an update, I tried reflashing to a stock ROM and still had the same problem. I reflashed and relocked my phone so I could take it to a Sprint Repair Center and get it looked at. After review, my power button somehow melted a little bit and is triggering the button to keep going off. They suspect the phone may have overheated a little bit. Good news is they are ordering me a new one but it won't be here until Thursday, but maybe Friday because of the holiday week.

My question now is if there is a way to disable the power button. My phone is fully functional, the screen just keeps blinking on and off and its killing the battery, and its a pain in the *** trying to do anything on it because everything has to be timed perfectly between screen flashes (about 2 seconds). Texting is the worst and only done when absolutely necessary. Calls work fine. If I could disable the action that occurs when the power button is pressed, i could essentially make my phone working again until I get my replacement
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro

blink, mighty, screen flash, tf3d

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