Originally Posted by russianmafioso
Okay, so recently, i've been noticing a sort of rainbow-like discoloration on my screen that occurs on the very top of the screen. It cannot be seen looking directly onto the screen, but only from an angle. Initially it started in the center, but now it basically encompasses the whole screen. And if i run my thumb over it, it does change colors and move around and change patters. So... why do i have a dead screen you may ask? Because the screen is almost entirely and absolutely unresponsive to my touch. but if i try to manipulate it using the keyboard or buttons it works fine.
This is a common issue, my screen has this too, but its just starting, i had a previous TP that the whole screen turned into the rainbow looking screen and the screen went completly unresponsive. Your carrier will replace your phone for free, if you point out it is a defect and not moisture, theres a big thread about this somewhere.
I have verizon also, they tried to tell me i got moisture in my screen when it hadnt touched any water.