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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2009, 04:12 PM
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Re: Lumos Settings

Originally Posted by brushrop03 View Post
Yeah that's true. When I have a lighter background it is easier to see so I usually just keep it at 3. But with my darker ones I go up to as high as 5.

And I really just adjust it to whatever my needs are for the day. If i'm in the office all day near a charger or at home I have no problem turning it up.

If i'm away from a charger for a long time i'm more conservative.
can definitely understand that
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2009, 08:27 PM
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Re: Lumos Settings

did my post get deleted?

i use really low "high" light settings
i like my screen bright whenever they is any light
maybe this is a double thread?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2009, 12:53 PM
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Re: Lumos Settings

heres my settings.txt, it looks like im the only one whos changed the BL minimum below to 1, this sets my device to the dimmest possible in a no light situation (in bed in complete dark) i like it like that cuz its easier on my eyes in the dark and not so bright to bother my wife or baby when i'm laying next to them, if any light shows up then it goes to my minimum of 3 (i thought i had this set to 2)
//// L*U*M*O*S ///////////
////////////////v10 RC2 //
//by NIKER - Elite Force//
///** You need to disable built-in auto-backlight or this won't probably work **///
// Unlike other applicatios, this program doesn't use current light values but interpolates between 4 last reads, keep this on mind while setting up, last 4 reads are averaged to eliminate luminosity spikes and thus save power.

// This file was compiled in Lumos version


// 1 = Enable Lumos while charging
// 0 = Disable Lumos while charging

// Minimum possible lumens reading from the sensor(raphael 0)
// Maximum possible lumens reading from the sensor (raphael about 750)

// You can effectively cap minimum and maximum range of backlight changes here. Minimum backlight you want to automatically set (1 is lowest on raphael). Maximum backlight you want to automatically set (10 is highest on raphael). 

// Delay between sensor reads in ms (default 1500), more saves battery power but provides slower response on light change. Less means smoother and faster backlight changes but may require excessive amout of CPU time and battery. NOTE that this is interval of reading sensor and setting up display is set in multiplies of this interval.

// How many polls to wait before display brighntess is set? 0 means on every poll, 1 means on every second poll, 2 means on every 3rd poll. (default 1). Higher values conserve battery power but increase the delay between backlight changes.

// Display backlight tolerance means the brighntess will not change until a change higher than this value is required. Example: brightness is 4 and tolerance 1, new brightness is 5 (5-4=1 -> discarted),new brightness is 6 (6-4=2 -> set). This conserves battery power on only mild light condition changes.

// Disregard the MIN/MAX_BACKLIGHT under this luminosity value and set minimal possible brightness  (0 to disable)

// apply exception only for active window (extra pinvoke overhead)

// BL MODE OVERRIDE 0=linear,1=quadratic,2=logaritmic,3=manual

// manual backlight settings
MANUAL9 = 1466
MANUAL10 = 1466

// Sample program exceptions (Remove the //):
// EXCPRG:  Window Name,    brightness_level
// EXCPRG:  MemMaid,    10

// Sample class exception, 2 possible variants, CLS=classname only, CLP=classname+windowname (Remove the //):
// EXCCLS:  class_Name,    5
// EXCCLP:  class_Name,    7

// LumosWizard generated program exceptions:

Last edited by t0mmyr; 08-27-2009 at 12:55 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: Lumos Settings

Hmm..that's interesting to set it to 1. I may try that tonight
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2009, 01:15 PM
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Re: Lumos Settings

u can set it now and notice it tonight as it wont affect your settings during the day
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2009, 01:16 PM
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Re: Lumos Settings

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
u can set it now and notice it tonight as it wont affect your settings during the day
Yeah I changed it already
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