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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 07:22 PM
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What Manila, Titanium, etc...

Ok, I've tried searching the forums to see what these are but I can't find the explanations. So, what is Manila, Titanium, Rhodium, PagePool? If there is a site with this info i'd appreciate it. Since I highly doubt Sprint will release Windows 6.5 for the Touch Pro (I hope they do though), I'm seriously thinking about flashing a custom ROM but before I do, I'm trying to do as much research as possible. Any and all help is appreciated.
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Old 08-22-2009, 08:05 PM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...



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Old 08-22-2009, 08:28 PM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...

And Rhodium is the HTC codename for the Touch Pro 2. Rhodium Manila is TouchFlo3D 2.0 and 2.1.
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Old 08-23-2009, 12:07 AM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...

Ahh ok. Nice to finally know what they are. Thanks!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 12:52 AM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...

I don't like titanium, I always get the Manilla versions of my ROMs
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 04:29 AM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...

flashing may read confusing, but its actually really simple once youve done it...

ill go the opposite of the above, im really liking titanium i think, it just takes alot of work to really get it how u want it...

manilla is really the file types that make up all versions of TF3D, not just the TF3D2.x+ versions... thats where the name Manilla comes from... with TF3D i think its alot easier for the average user or regular guy to modify... most people have all the stuff done for you if you just look for it... titanium takes alot more work to modify IMO, because you have to make panels and such...

in the end it may take you a few ROMS to decide what your really looking for... ive been on or around someone on this site for over 2 yrs total now, and i just flashed my first custom ROM a week ago... so your not alone in the new to flashing, ive just been around long enough i had read it all a million time and helped others, so by the time i took interest, i already had the know-how...

youll find lots of ROM versions... with/without/or only with titanium... with/without/or only with TF3D2... or some that have both... titanium only roms use alot less space than one with both or even one with just TF3D, so that may be something to evaluate as well
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 04:38 AM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
flashing may read confusing, but its actually really simple once youve done it...

ill go the opposite of the above, im really liking titanium i think, it just takes alot of work to really get it how u want it...

manilla is really the file types that make up all versions of TF3D, not just the TF3D2.x+ versions... thats where the name Manilla comes from... with TF3D i think its alot easier for the average user or regular guy to modify... most people have all the stuff done for you if you just look for it... titanium takes alot more work to modify IMO, because you have to make panels and such...

in the end it may take you a few ROMS to decide what your really looking for... ive been on or around someone on this site for over 2 yrs total now, and i just flashed my first custom ROM a week ago... so your not alone in the new to flashing, ive just been around long enough i had read it all a million time and helped others, so by the time i took interest, i already had the know-how...

youll find lots of ROM versions... with/without/or only with titanium... with/without/or only with TF3D2... or some that have both... titanium only roms use alot less space than one with both or even one with just TF3D, so that may be something to evaluate as well
Are you saying Titanium uses less memory (which I'd imagine would help with performance and possibly battery like??)

What do you mean make your own tabs?? I only have 5 differen't tabs for TF3D. I have my home screen, messages screen, programs screen, settings screen and then my weather screen.

With titanium can you see a good deal of favorite programs when you goto programs?? Last time I looked at it, you could only see one entry of whatever type of tab you were one
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 04:45 AM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...

my current rom was only like 90mb.... i "think" 120-150 is a little more normal though.. even higher if its a bloated rom with literally everything and the kitchen sink in it

not tabs, panels, its a little differnt... you literally have to make your own panels(tabs if it help u stay on track) if you want something not offered in the stock panels... i think you can have 10 programs on the panel... they scroll left to right, showing the name and icon, you just tap to launch... you can also program different functions to different actions example: you can change what happens when u tap the name of app vs what happens if you tap the icon...this is good in the contacts panel also... you can always edit the right soft key on a panel for another seperate action or command as well...

i mightve just confused you, sorry if i did
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 04:52 AM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
my current rom was only like 90mb.... i "think" 120-150 is a little more normal though.. even higher if its a bloated rom with literally everything and the kitchen sink in it

not tabs, panels, its a little differnt... you literally have to make your own panels(tabs if it help u stay on track) if you want something not offered in the stock panels... i think you can have 10 programs on the panel... they scroll left to right, showing the name and icon, you just tap to launch... you can also program different functions to different actions example: you can change what happens when u tap the name of app vs what happens if you tap the icon...this is good in the contacts panel also... you can always edit the right soft key on a panel for another seperate action or command as well...

i mightve just confused you, sorry if i did
no I understand, though is this custimization functionality built into every Titanium rom or is there a Titanium customizer cab I'd have to get???

If Titanium truly is better than I want to jump on it
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 05:06 AM
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Re: What Manila, Titanium, etc...

Originally Posted by iviyth0s View Post
no I understand, though is this custimization functionality built into every Titanium rom or is there a Titanium customizer cab I'd have to get???

If Titanium truly is better than I want to jump on it
well Better, is in the eye of the device holder, otherwise its all just opinion... im just trying to learn more about making my own things, so i knew titanium would give me alot to do...

Chome editor, dont look fast-its doesnt say "chrome" lol, thats the name of the editor you'd use to manipulate, add/delete, and create your own panels.. i believe v1.6 is the most current and commonly included in the newer ROMS... also saw one at XDA called titanizier 7.02 that looks kind of neat, graphically definitely more eye appealing, but i havent used it yet http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=501584 .... Chome, looks very basic and very WM5ish if you ask me, but certainly gets the job done, and i think its the orginal app developed for modifying Titanium

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 08-23-2009 at 05:10 AM.
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