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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 03:08 AM
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Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

I have a Samsung Instinct and it does work pretty well for what I use it for but recently, a friend who moved to another carrier gave me his Sprint HTC Touch Pro.

The phone was already hacked and had Juicy ROM installed on it.

Personally, I like using the Instincts PAM feature because it gets pretty good battery life and doesn't get too hot.

Anyway I can't really justify having two phones on my Sprint account just to have one as a modem.

What I'm wondering is, since the PPC is more "tweakable" then most cellphones, is is possible to clone my Instincts ESN etc into my Touch Pro?

I understand about having both phones on at the same time etc, and the both phones register in the HLR etc.

Boy, I wish Sprint phones used SIM's.

Last edited by kristmen; 08-19-2009 at 03:14 AM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 03:14 AM
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Re: Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

cloning the esn from the instinct into your touch pro is pointless...

their both sprint, and sprint will gladly allow you to legally swap the TPs esn onto your account to replace the instinct...

theres no need to do what your asking... fyi, the question u asked technically would be cloning and is illegal, though highly do-able
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 03:20 AM
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Re: Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

Careful!!You are being watched!! lol
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 03:28 AM
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Re: Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

Yes I understand the legality of cloning phones but most people who clone phones are doing so for illegal purposes such as free calling, I'm not.

I think maybe I wasn't clear. Yes, I know Sprint will gladly change the phone for me, they even have that nifty phone ESN changer even though I've never personally got it to work right, I've always had to call.

ANYWAY, the reason I want to do it is because I want to use the Touch Pro for daily activities but when I need to use a phone for PAM (Phone as a Modem), I want to be able to use my Instinct.

Reading these forums, it seems the Touch Pro doesnt get such great battery life in PAM mode and it tends to over heat.

I even saw people joking about keeping the phone on an ice pack.

With my instinct, I can log on with my laptop and I don't even need to take my Instinct out of my pocket, it never over heats. Just sounds like the PRO has this problem a lot.

Honestly, if I could get a good rate on shared package, maybe a shared SERO account, I wouldn't mind having two phones but I'm paying $99.99 a month for the everything package and they want damn near double that for a shared unlimited package and I just can't justify that JUST to keep the other phone for the PAM feature.

If I had to pick one of the two, I'd probably stick with the Samsung Instinct right now.

Oh, also reading these forums, I've seen a bunch of threads with step-by-step instructions on cloning phones, 5~10 pages long so it would appear the subject matter does come up once in a while. Just not sure how you do it on the Touch Pro.

Thanks guys

Before I forget, if someone just wants to give me a SERO hookup for a family plan with unlimited data I sure would be grateful

Last edited by kristmen; 08-19-2009 at 03:32 AM.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 03:45 AM
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Re: Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by kristmen View Post
Yes I understand the legality of cloning phones but most people who clone phones are doing so for illegal purposes such as free calling, I'm not.

I think maybe I wasn't clear. Yes, I know Sprint will gladly change the phone for me, they even have that nifty phone ESN changer even though I've never personally got it to work right, I've always had to call.

ANYWAY, the reason I want to do it is because I want to use the Touch Pro for daily activities but when I need to use a phone for PAM (Phone as a Modem), I want to be able to use my Instinct.

Reading these forums, it seems the Touch Pro doesnt get such great battery life in PAM mode and it tends to over heat.

I even saw people joking about keeping the phone on an ice pack.

With my instinct, I can log on with my laptop and I don't even need to take my Instinct out of my pocket, it never over heats. Just sounds like the PRO has this problem a lot.

Honestly, if I could get a good rate on shared package, maybe a shared SERO account, I wouldn't mind having two phones but I'm paying $99.99 a month for the everything package and they want damn near double that for a shared unlimited package and I just can't justify that JUST to keep the other phone for the PAM feature.

If I had to pick one of the two, I'd probably stick with the Samsung Instinct right now.

Oh, also reading these forums, I've seen a bunch of threads with step-by-step instructions on cloning phones, 5~10 pages long so it would appear the subject matter does come up once in a while. Just not sure how you do it on the Touch Pro.

Thanks guys

Before I forget, if someone just wants to give me a SERO hookup for a family plan with unlimited data I sure would be grateful
first, there is no "legal" reason to clone your phone... cloning is banned by federal law, no matter what your motive is behind it..

second, what your talking about isnt possible.... or maybe it is after i say this:

third, and why am offering any help is beyond me.... if you program the instinct esn into the TP, now the instinct stays the Master, and you can still use the PAM as normal.. the TP, would become the Slave and you would be able to make recieve/calls...txts,mms,and data are a whole other world of issues to worry about on the Slave device though...

again... what you want to do is ILLEGAL by all definitions... even though what i said is possible, is still considered cloning and illegal... thats all i can tell ya man... rest is on you...

and tethering on the TP can be very manageable, yes it overheats if u do some heavy traffic... yes an ice pack would help.. so would a fan... you can get about 2hrs tethering time on a full charge in my experience depending on what your doing...

i suggest moving to the TP offically and legally and enjoy it for all its worth

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 08-19-2009 at 03:48 AM.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 08:26 AM
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Re: Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

If you MUST keep the I-stinked (yes ive had one, Samsung blew it on that phone and im a die hard fan), drop down to the 1500 min family plan for $99 then add data on the one line for $15 or both if you need it. Then youre still only paying $130 a month for both. Yea the Instincts battery life was better, but i could kill both in 8 hours at work. Charging while tethered is really nice too though and better than the TP is.

Thats my advice.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

I tether all the time on my TP. hours at a time. I just take off my back cover and set the phone with the battery facing up and never have an issue. just tether via USB. Using WiFi just increases the heat/battery drain.

and as for there being threads 5 - 10 pages long with step by step instructions on how to clone... perhaps you are referring to the ones that are detailing how to get a Sprint TP to work on Verizon network or Altell and so on. but that is NOT cloning. Cloning like you admitted is illegal, and if anyone poosted how to clone they would be banned.

Last edited by schollianmj; 08-19-2009 at 08:43 AM.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 08:47 AM
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Re: Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

Yea, I have never had a problem with battery drain or overheating tethering via USB, if your talking via WifiRouter, ill get only a few hours.
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Old 08-19-2009, 09:19 AM
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Re: Can you clone a phone into a Touch Pro?

ESN cloning = illegal.

Thread closed.
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