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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 02:56 PM
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[new edits]So You Want To Use Your TP/TP2 As A Modem??? Your Main Options...

we get atleast 5 or so new threads a day on this topic, so here are your options...
****ICS, WMWIFIRouter, and HTCs app all tested for TPs and TP2s****

1) ICS - Internet Connection Sharing.. stock feature in your phone.. this enables usb tethering from your TP to your laptop or PC.. if you have sprint, you may need the reg hack to get this one going right.. (find hack cab at bottom of post-sprint only).. all this cab does it change the reg entries for you.. Will not work for VZW branded devices(VZW doesnt offer ICS) **edit** ---> unless u do a custom install either via cab file or a new ROM.. heres something for VZW user interested in ICS on your device http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=47075
here are the reg edits, if you prefer to do it all yourself..

1A) ICS for TP2- i thought it worked out the gate, didnt realize i tranfered over the reg though when i set mine up.. so i hard reset to figure out whatd take.. didnt take very long lol.. post #1here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=78019 the stealth cab works fine.. did notice that if you pick from the AS<DD<ICS pop up, it doesnt show the changes.. if you select ICS from programs, it gives you the sprint or PAM option like were used too.. looking for/working on solid fix for that

if im not mistaken this is what the cab is doing to your reg if you want to do it yourself-not my work:

HTML Code:
1. Edit the following regestry entries. 
Extension="" Delete the "isext.dll" entry
2. Start the Internet Sharing application.
3. Hit Connect In the Internet Sharing application.
4. Connect the TP/TP2 to the Laptop/PC via USB
5. Done. No other applications needs to run on the PC/Laptop

2) HTCWifirouter - free HTC branded software for tethering via wifi.. havent tried this one personally.. http://www.1800pocketpc.com/2009/07/...le-device.html

3) PDANet - paid software $34.. this appears to be for bluetooth and usb tethering only.. again ive never used this one.. http://www.junefabrics.com/palmnet/

4) WMWIFIRouter - paid software $30(and freeware versions available upon seaching v.91 is last freeware i think-its upto v1.35 now though on the paid app).. this app allows for wifi,bluetooth,and usb tethering.. i personally use this app daily.. i certainly recommend buying a licensed copy so that your always made available the newest version... http://www.wmwifirouter.com/

5) WalkingHotSpot - another paid app $24.99.. another wifi only tethering app.. NOT FOR VZW-you need ICS for this to run and VZW doesnt have it.. havent tried this one either... http://walkinghotspot.com/

thats about it folks, the most common ways to tether your TP to your laptop or PC.. obviously noone faults you for going for the free software...

also before you all ask... YES, it is possible for your carrier to see that your tethering.. Most carriers, Sprint for sure, have a 5gb soft cap on unlimited data usage(thats right, noone has real unlimited data).. this means that if you go over, no u wont be charged, but if u have a habit of going well over the 5gb cap then you are making yourself more noticeable...

in the time ive been on PPCG, ive seen one person actually get a response from his carrier(it was telus) and they just told him theyd start charging him or he needed the right plan(phone as modem.. so go ahead, youll be fine, your carrier wont charge you, and its doubtful theyll ever even bring it to your attention...

**edit** there was a suggestion for providing links to the software threads.. we dont not have one dedicated thread/forum for each app.. there are literally 100s of threads on some of these, but i wanted to be accomodating to the people so i did what i could below as well

----Search Threads----

ICS - this link is for vzw users that may have issues... http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...highlight=ICSm if anyone needs help please just ask,im on sprint though(for you vzw guys) or search "Titles Only" for "ICS" for lots of posts covering most every situation..

HTCs Wifi Router - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...99#post4170499

PDANET - I know nothing really about this one.. theres only 27 total results for this one(shouldnt take but 10mins to go over all) and very little feedback...

WMWIFIRouter - feel free to ask ?s in here, or simply search "Titles Only" for "WMWIFIRouter" for tons of info

WModem - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...90&postcount=1 - somewhat recent, and has working solutions...according to the link... ive not tried
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Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 09-14-2009 at 05:33 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 03:41 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your 4 Main Options... STIC

Nice write-up and you may want to consider adding step by step procedures for each.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 03:51 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your 4 Main Options... STIC

well they all have very simple self guiding installs, and 2 of them PDANet and HTCs wifirouter i havent actually used before...

as for ICS: install the cab..soft rest..
- now i personally, start up ICS, it will tell me to check the cable, then I plug it in to my PC or laptop.. this avoids active sync from starting up instead..

for WMWIFIRouter: install .cab..soft reset..
- all the options you will need will be presented to you the first time you run it... make sure its set to ad-hoc, and make sure you use Sprint, instead of Phone as Modem...

thats about all i can say, unless someone has trouble shooting issues
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 03:54 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your 4 Main Options... STIC

One more option to add to your list: http://walkinghotspot.com/
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 04:00 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your 4 Main Options... STIC

Thanks, I'm going to give the tethering cab a shot.. always been on PDANet.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 04:04 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your 4 Main Options... STIC

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
we get atleast 5 or so new threads a day on this topic, so here are your options...

1) ICS - Internet Connection Sharing.. stock feature in your phone.. this enables usb tethering from your TP to your laptop or PC.. if you have sprint, you may need the reg hack to get this one going right.. (find hack cab at bottom of post-sprint only).. all this cab does it change the reg entries for you.. Will not work for VZW branded devices(VZW doesnt offer ICS)

2) HTCWifirouter - free HTC branded software for tethering via wifi.. havent tried this one personally.. http://www.1800pocketpc.com/2009/07/...le-device.html

3) PDANet - paid software $34.. this appears to be for bluetooth and usb tethering only.. again ive never used this one.. http://www.junefabrics.com/palmnet/

4) WMWIFIRouter - paid software $30(and freeware versions available upon seaching v.91 is last freeware i think-its upto v1.35 now though on the paid app).. this app allows for wifi,bluetooth,and usb tethering.. i personally use this app daily.. i certainly recommend buying a licensed copy so that your always made available the newest version... http://www.wmwifirouter.com/

5) WalkingHotSpot - another paid app $24.99.. another wifi only tethering app.. NOT FOR VZW-you need ICS for this to run and VZW doesnt have it.. havent tried this one either... http://walkinghotspot.com/

thats about it folks, the 4 main ways to tether you TP to your laptop or PC.. obviously noone faults you for going for the free software...

also before you all ask... YES, it is possible for your carrier to see that your tethering.. Most carrier, Sprint for sure, have a 5gb soft cap on unlimited data usage(thats right, noone has real unlimited data).. this means that if you go over, no u wont be charged, but if u have a habit of going well over the 5gb cap then you are making yourself more noticeable...

in the time ive been on PPCG, ive seen one person actually get a response from his carrier(it was telus) and they just told him theyd start charging him or he needed the right plan(phone as modem.. so go ahead, youll be fine, your carrier wont charge you, and its doubtful theyll ever even bring it to your attention
Im so proud of you........lol Good job!


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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 04:06 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your 4 Main Options... STIC

Originally Posted by Jim_in_VA View Post
One more option to add to your list: http://walkinghotspot.com/
added it..thanks

Originally Posted by ClevelandWheeler View Post
Im so proud of you........lol Good job!
well thank you sir... this was already up when we were arguing... that thread inspired this one lol
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 04:07 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your Main Options... STICKY

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 04:10 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your Main Options... STICKY

oh wait, was that "LOL" for me? you werent blunty obvious enough LMFAO!!

just palyin with ya man.. we gotta have jokes or most of us would go nuts im sure LOL
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 04:19 PM
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Re: So You Want To Use Your TP As A Modem??? Here Ya Go!! Your Main Options... STICKY

I do wonder if Sprint will give a hoot about going over 5GB. I'm on an old SERO plan that says "umlimited data" and I have tethered the TP to a router without issue. Never pushed data pass 5GB though.
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