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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 12:11 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

depends on how good your service is. how many bars you usually get? i know that dont matter but i wanna ask anyways!!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 12:17 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

Well I don't really know. I've only been in the apartment one time before, I'll know when I move in.

I'm pretty sure it's maxed out. It's a good-sized college town (Eastern Illinois) so I imagine sprint would make sure to have good service there.

Although, I may end up using wi-fi anyways. I'm right across from the school, and it's a huge apartment complex so I may be able to hitch a ride somewhere >:]
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 12:20 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

wifi would be a lot better. for me when i was at my aunt and uncles i HAD to use wifi. it was either wifi of 1x for downloading data
also it doesnt matter with unlimited data , unless you dont?, but you wont be using your data with wifi
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 12:27 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

Naw I have unlimited data, but I plan on torrenting frequently ^_^

Also, I believe I have a proggy for discovering WEP keys ...won't know until I try it. Even if it doesn't work, I'm sure plenty of idiots at the complex will have unencrypted internet The college bastards probably only use it for Myspace anyways haha.

EDIT: Psyc, we are owning this forum right now
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 12:48 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

Originally Posted by TheAlienElite View Post
Naw I have unlimited data, but I plan on torrenting frequently ^_^

Also, I believe I have a proggy for discovering WEP keys ...won't know until I try it. Even if it doesn't work, I'm sure plenty of idiots at the complex will have unencrypted internet The college bastards probably only use it for Myspace anyways haha.

EDIT: Psyc, we are owning this forum right now
haha yeah its unbelieveable how many unprotected connections that are out there.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 12:52 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

FYI if you want a cab for anything that only has a PC installer, just install the EXE on your PC when your phone isn't connected via activesync. It will say "the app will be installed when you next connect." Don't connect. Use Explorer to go into the Activesync folder and there will be the cab in there (the location varies based on the program; sometimes it's in a subfolder, sometimes it's not). Great way to get cabs of programs that rely on annoying PC-based installers, though in this day and age most developers seem to understand that most of us just want the cabs so we can store them on a memory card in case of a problem and reinstall quickly.

p.s., I don't think I want to see you nude. No offense.

Last edited by haus; 07-29-2009 at 12:54 AM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

Originally Posted by haus View Post
FYI if you want a cab for anything that only has a PC installer, just install the EXE on your PC when your phone isn't connected via activesync. It will say "the app will be installed when you next connect." Don't connect. Use Explorer to go into the Activesync folder and there will be the cab in there (the location varies based on the program; sometimes it's in a subfolder, sometimes it's not). Great way to get cabs of programs that rely on annoying PC-based installers, though in this day and age most developers seem to understand that most of us just want the cabs so we can store them on a memory card in case of a problem and reinstall quickly.

p.s., I don't think I want to see you nude. No offense.
lol. Aw sure you do...I'm good and hairy for ya

Anyways. Dude I can't believe that. If this is true (you better not be lying to me... ) , then holy crap!!!!!!! That's the most useful thing I've ever read on this forum, and that's saying a -lot-!

Well my gf has a comp...but she's anal retentive about it. I won't be able to use it...not while she's there @ least
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 01:05 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

sweet aweosme info haus. ill keep that in mind but i have only installed one program that needed the computer and that was .net 3.5 but with custom roms thats usually already installed.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 02:04 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

Originally Posted by TheAlienElite View Post
So very soon, I will be moving, and when this happens, I will no longer have access to a computer. My TP will be my lifeblood.

1.)Are there any programs I should install on my TP that can only be installed via PC? (Windows Mobile Device Center)
Pretty much anything you could want is available via *.CAB file. AS and WMDC are pretty unnecessary if the only purpose is transferring files.[/quote]

Originally Posted by TheAlienElite View Post
2.)In case I find a program after I move that is .EXE only, is there any way at all to run those on Windows Mobile?
You may be able to extract the *.cab file out of the *.exe with Pocket RAR. If you meant running Ix86 programs, that's possible with an installation of Windows 95 on a Bochs installation, but it will be very slow. If you have DOS applications you need to run, you can use the mobile version of DOSBox.

Originally Posted by TheAlienElite View Post
3.)Most ROMs can be downloaded on the phone then flashed via SD card correct? In case I take the plunge and get rid of my stock

Originally Posted by TheAlienElite View Post
4.)-Please- suggest some programs for me to use...I just bought a TV out cable in anticipation of the move. I plan on using skyfire to watch streaming video (Bleach/Narutoget.com ftw!!), but it can be choppy at times, so anything better than skyfire for that purpose?
For streaming audio, MP3 playback: Pocket Tunes
For streaming video, video files: Core Player or TCPMP
For office work: Softmaker Office 2008
For image manipulation: VS Painter LE
For image viewing: XN Pocket Viewer
For a better file manager experience: File Explorer Extensions 2.05
For Bit Torrent usage: WinMobile Torrent
For IMing: Palringo or BeeJive IM or Yahoo Mobile or MSN Messenger Mobile
For IRC Client: zIRC
For VoIP calls: Skype
For FTP browsing: Good FTP
For network monitoring: vxUtilities, WiFiFoFum, NetInfoBox, PPC Interface Moniter, Smart IP
For a download manager: Pocket Downloader
For video downloading: Web Video Downloader
For gaming: Pocket Doom, Pocket Duke3D, Pocket Wolfenstien, Pocket Spear of Desteny, Pocket Starcraft, NFS: Underground, Par72 Golf, and the Mega Arcade Pack (available here in the games forum)
For Printing: JetCet Print 5
For internet browsing: Iris Browser, Internet Explorer, Opera Browser, SkyFire Browser, Fennec Browser
For .NET runtime compatibility: .NET Compact Framework 3.7 or 3.5SP1

Originally Posted by TheAlienElite View Post
You guys have NO idea how grateful I would be for your help! I'll hand out thanks like crazy, and maybe even some nudes
I would also suggest purchasing a bluetooth keyboard since you intend on your PPC being your primary computing unit. Also, purchase the OEM headphone/usb adapter if you do not have one. You will be able to charge the phone, plug in the video cable, and hook up a set of amplified computer speakers to your phone with the adapter. I would also recommend purchasing an Innocell 2000mAh extended battery for extended use. With this setup, once you got home all you would need to do is plug in 1 wire and partner with your keyboard and you would have a fully usable "desktop" computer.
Phone: Samsung Infuse
ROM: ★ GSInfuse 1.1.5 ★
Firmware:: 2.3.5
Baseband: UCKJ3
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Last edited by k_semler; 07-29-2009 at 02:18 AM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2009, 02:19 AM
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Re: Using your TP as your computer...suggestions & tips?

I would also suggest purchasing a bluetooth keyboard since you intend on your PPC being your primary computing unit. Also, purchase the OEM headphone/usb adapter if you do not have one. You will be able to charge the phone, plug in the video cable, and hook up a set of amplified computer speakers to your phone with the adapter. I would also recommend purchasing an Innocell 2000mAh extended battery for extended use. With this setup, once you got home all you would need to do is plug in 1 wire and partner with your keyboard and you would have a fully usable "desktop" computer.[/QUOTE]

Wow, thanks for the great post man! A few questions:

1.)Pocket Starcraft!? Where the hell can I get this !?
2.)I didn't even know they made bluetooth keyboards, that's sweet. Do they make bluetooth mice too?
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