Re: PDA.net or Wifirouter?
Do WMWifirouter all the way. So many more options that the rest and many many many tweaks place in there to make sure your carrier can't detect the tethering
Update: How do I make my ppc look like an iPhone?
Find the closest building that is three or more stories tall, get to the roof, and jump off. Want to see amazing things for the upcoming HTC Raphael, donate here: http://shorl.com/pruprydulakesi Donate to TP2 Elite Team: http://alturl.com/5in6 |
Re: PDA.net or Wifirouter?
Or this it is free. http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...99#post4170499
If you have wifi and GPS on your phone, click link below for Navizon. Navizon gives you money to log wifi and cell phone towers.
http://my.navizon.com/Webapps/UserAd...e=585A56575E5E |
Re: PDA.net or Wifirouter?
Well, the real question is does this app actually allow the EVDO to 1x travelling thing to return to EVDO (internet sharing does not.. last I checked.. haven't tried the new WM6.5 though)??
And the one thing it could do better then wifirouter.. would be not to burn out your battery serving you wifi for like 1 hour.. (or break internet as it's prone to do sometimes)? |