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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 02:55 AM
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WM6.5 on TP: Reason for occasional lag/delay when closing SMS threads?

There's a weird problem I haven't found any info about after searching the forum...

About 50% of the time, when I hit OK to close a text message thread and go back to the main Text Message (or SMS/MMS if you have Arcsoft installed) view, there is a lag of 30sec to sometimes 2 minutes before I can select/do anything. Basically the phone locks up.

This happens on multiple 6.5 ROMs for the TP, and on zero ROMs that are 6.1.

Anyone know a fix for this problem? Thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 03:51 AM
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Re: WM6.5 on TP: Reason for occasional lag/delay when closing SMS threads?

It is a problem with 6.5. Its probrably one of those things that wont be fixed until we get the final build. Right now these guys are working with pretty much experimental builds.

Trust me... It drives me crazy to see the "all messages screen" pop up whenever i run htcCleaner.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 06:10 AM
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Re: WM6.5 on TP: Reason for occasional lag/delay when closing SMS threads?

I assumed it was related to the the threaded MMS addon, but it doesn't do it predictably as you mentioned. Upon clicking back or OK, the application seems to load all the threaded message headings properly, then freezes for no apparent reason.

We might as well do a soft reset after each read or sent message
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 06:15 AM
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Re: WM6.5 on TP: Reason for occasional lag/delay when closing SMS threads?

I dont have that problem any more... I use to when ever I ran pimbackup and restored every thing.. now when I restore I only restore contacts and as a build up of text come in I erase them.. for some reason when you have a whole lot of text it lags when exiting...hope this helps
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 06:24 AM
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Re: WM6.5 on TP: Reason for occasional lag/delay when closing SMS threads?

The lag is intermittent
The lag duration is variable
The message thread where lag is experienced seems random

Erasing all the text messages and purging them as they come in is not a fix IMO. It's enough of a deal-breaker to kick me back to 6.1 (just after the 6.5 start menu was kind of sorta almost barely getting there but not quite bearable)
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