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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 07:34 PM
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They're suppose to be fun too right?

I had the Titan, now the TP.
I tried the Cube, the HTC Home, TF2, Manilla, Rhodiums....

I ripped them off....going for raw utilitarian functionality.

I think it was wm6.5 that planted the seed...at first I even rejected it....with it's BIG menus...finger flick this.. blue menu that....going back to 6.1

BAH! I would say...not necessary...I want to run this app and 15 others at once...I need memory and speed and........then I started to miss the flicks.

Yesterday our Telecom guy brought over a Pre to show everybody..."ooooo-aaaaa" I'm like ..."whatever dude"...

I wanted to show them ooo's and aaaaa's....so I dropped Manilla onto my TP and showed it around...fully planning on Reflashing the monstrocity off my workhorse that night....=D>...they loved it...more than the pre.

..and you know what....I did too. I kinda liked the flippy smooth transitions...all the cool graphics...

I may even try Rhodium...I'm kinda into the calendar....

So I give up 30 megs...I still got 135 at boot up....how much can I need. I find myself just flipping around now....just enjoying the flip...the toss and grab.

Phone's can be fun too right? Not just utilitarian workhorses, but soothing, smile emparting toys.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

nice move winmo Warrior
Da Believer....
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 10:24 PM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

See, that's the kind of thing that happens to people when a device gets as much TV air time as the Palm Pre, or the iPhone. Peeps get sucked in and ooooh and aaahhhh. Do you recall seeing ANY TV ads for the Touch Pro? Probably not.

People tend to gravitate to whatever gets most heavily promoted, even though there are devices just as good, or better (Touch Pro of course) that are out there. But if they haven't been into a Sprint, Verizon, ATT, etc... store, then they don't even know about it.

Most people want a Touch Pro.... they just don't know it yet.
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Old 06-17-2009, 10:29 PM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

wait till u show ur coworkers how well this phone can stream porn! lol how much more fun could u ask for

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 10:51 PM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2009, 11:42 PM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
See, that's the kind of thing that happens to people when a device gets as much TV air time as the Palm Pre, or the iPhone. Peeps get sucked in and ooooh and aaahhhh. Do you recall seeing ANY TV ads for the Touch Pro? Probably not.

People tend to gravitate to whatever gets most heavily promoted, even though there are devices just as good, or better (Touch Pro of course) that are out there. But if they haven't been into a Sprint, Verizon, ATT, etc... store, then they don't even know about it.

Most people want a Touch Pro.... they just don't know it yet.
HAHA. It's because they're all brainwashed.

Nothing has had the same amount of airtime as apple,
pay attention in every movie and about 75% of the tv series,
you'll see a product placement for one of their apple products,
and most of the time in movies,
it'll have a macbook, imac, iphone, and ipod at some point in time.
That was pretty close to the exact paragraph apple told me the first day of my apple customer service training when I worked for them.

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
wait till u show ur coworkers how well this phone can stream porn! lol how much more fun could u ask for
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 12:55 AM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

Originally Posted by codybear View Post
HAHA. It's because they're all brainwashed.

Nothing has had the same amount of airtime as apple,
pay attention in every movie and about 75% of the tv series,
you'll see a product placement for one of their apple products,
and most of the time in movies,
it'll have a macbook, imac, iphone, and ipod at some point in time.
That was pretty close to the exact paragraph apple told me the first day of my apple customer service training when I worked for them.

Unless you're watching NASCAR or 24 - all Sprint all the time, baby!
And the only adds for the TP I've ever seen were actually for the AT&T Fuze.
Originally Posted by coolwhip1220 View Post
Lol. Yeah, my fiance always says "Geekin it up again, huh faggot?" She's sweet.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 01:07 AM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

Originally Posted by BigDinCA View Post
Unless you're watching NASCAR or 24 - all Sprint all the time, baby!
And the only adds for the TP I've ever seen were actually for the AT&T Fuze.
Same here, the fuze part.

And as for 24, I'm sure there's an apple product somewhere in that show.
You just gotta look hard enough.
Most of the time it's where you don't notice it fully, but you still see it...
Hmmmm, subliminal message much? hahahahahaha.

And I don't watch Nascar, I don't really even call that a sport, IMO.
It's boring. You watch them go around in a circle. haha.
I'm sure it'd be fun to drive it,
but it's just no fun to watch.
But to each his own.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 09:17 AM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
Most people want a Touch Pro.... they just don't know it yet.
Lol. That is absolutely correct
[Device History: Alltel Apache(sold), Sprint Vogue(sold), Alltel Vogue(stolen), Alltel Diamond(traded), Sprint Touch Pro(sold), Palm Pre(sold), HERO]
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 09:20 AM
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Re: They're suppose to be fun too right?

in my opinion, windows mobile is the most fun os.
there are millions of customizations and apps to suit any need. and don't get me started on today screen plugins :P
LG Optimus S
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