I've had my Touch Pro from Verizon since February but then in the last week or so, my phone would randomly get hot to the touch until the battery is pulled. So today I set my phone in the kitchen on the charger and then went to the front room to play some Call of Duty on the Xbox. After an hour or so, I noticed that the house was a little smoky so I got up and went to check outside to see if a fire was happening because I had all the windows open but to my surprise, no fires outside. After I stepped back into my house, I noticed the haze was still there but there was also a weird stench in the house as well. Right when I walked into the kitchen, there it was, in a flamming pile of plastic and silicon melted into my kitchen countertop. So I non chalantley walked over, unplugged the charger and took my cup of 7up and doused the fire out. After that, called Verizon customer care up and after 30 minutes of what I might assumed to be eyebrow raises throughtout the call center, they agree to give me a new TP on the house. The only resistance I had was that they wanted me to bring in a chunk of the phone for inspections but the phone was so melted into the counter that I would have to pop the counter off and bring it into the retail store, not happening!!! Moral of the story, dont piss off the phone by not giving it proper graphics acceleration drivers when there is a dedicated chip onboard.