Dont know whats up with that it always works for me ,never had to change any settings but this is what they should be in pics/video options:
server name: Altell MMSC gateway :mms.alltel.com port :8080 server address:http://mms.alltel.com/servlets/mms connect via: Altell Wireless |
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![]() ![]() 1. Install the arcsoft alltel mms cab file version that can be found attached to all of mightymikes rom posts. 2. Soft reset your device. 3. Tap your messagiung icon tin tf3d and select the left soft key for "all messages". 4. Select Menu>Pics/Video Options>Servers. 5. With your stylus tap on Alltel MMSC. Settings you see should be as follows: Server Name: Alltel MMSC Gateway: mms.alltel.com Port: 8080 Server address: http://mms-mt.alltel.net/servlets/mms Connect via: Sprint, Alltel or "The Internet" Send limit: Max As i said, i flash at least ten times a week and this has worked on every rom both 6.1 and 6.5
Your best friend becomes your worst enemy. Lollipops turn into cigarettes. Pepsi becomes vodka. Kisses turn into sex. Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground? When protection meant wearing kneepads and a helmet? When dad’s shoulders were the highest place on earth, & mom was your hero? Your worst enemy was your siblings. Race issues were about who ran the fastest. War was only a card game. Its amazing how we couldn’t wait to grow up.
Re: Any fix for Alltel tp pic messages?
How do I remove the old version? I'm assuming that's why I'm getting an insufficient privilages error when I try installing one of these versions
I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance...by fleeing the scene of the accident!
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