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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 12:08 PM
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Question Please help me decide where my money goes!

Hey guys!
First let me start off by saying i am a total n00b with this stuff so sorry for any retarded questions

My contract ends with sprint on June 1, and i am considering switching to alltel since the touch pro is listed on their since for $80.

Is alltel a good carrier for this phone? I only want them since they seem like the cheapest.

Do you think i should get this, or wait for the touch pro 2 even if its with a different carrier? (i love how the touch pro 2 looks but dont really feel like waiting)

Will a touch pro with a custom rom be better than a touch pro 2 with its regular rom?

Will it take a while for a custom rom to come out on the touch pro 2? Will i really need it?

Is the alltel version a CDMA or GSM phone?

Is there a step by step youtube video to help me unlock/flash/get a custom rom on the touch pro? i find it hard to follow some of these forums

Any other thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks for your time guys
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 12:18 PM
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Re: Please help me decide where my money goes!

I can't comment about alltel because i've never had them.. Touch pro and Touch pro 2 are internally very similiar. The differences mainly are the size of screen, more speakers/cameras, tilting screen, larger keyboard, and slightly bigger battery. Alltel is CDMA btw. There are tutorials in the upgrade section that will walk you through the unlocking/flashing process. It's not too hard.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 12:19 PM
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Re: Please help me decide where my money goes!

Originally Posted by raththemercenary View Post
Hey guys!
First let me start off by saying i am a total n00b with this stuff so sorry for any retarded questions

My contract ends with sprint on June 1, and i am considering switching to alltel since the touch pro is listed on their since for $80.

Is alltel a good carrier for this phone? I only want them since they seem like the cheapest.

Do you think i should get this, or wait for the touch pro 2 even if its with a different carrier? (i love how the touch pro 2 looks but dont really feel like waiting)

Will a touch pro with a custom rom be better than a touch pro 2 with its regular rom?

Will it take a while for a custom rom to come out on the touch pro 2? Will i really need it?

Is the alltel version a CDMA or GSM phone?

Is there a step by step youtube video to help me unlock/flash/get a custom rom on the touch pro? i find it hard to follow some of these forums

Any other thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks for your time guys
Since alltel is now verizon i would say they have good service. I wouldn't get them but that's your call, im happy with sprint.

I've heard that the touch pro 2 will drop with sprint in June so if i were you i would wait and see for sure before you switch carriers.

When the TP2 drops it won't take long at all for custom ROMs. I'd say before you can get your hands on one there will be a custom ROM. And most custom ROMs are better than stock so i would say yes you need it.

Alltel is CDMA

There is a thread on here for unlocking/ flashing your phone with a micro sd card. It's super easy.

edit- check this out

Last edited by fishpony; 05-30-2009 at 12:22 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: Please help me decide where my money goes!

Originally Posted by raththemercenary View Post
Hey guys!
First let me start off by saying i am a total n00b with this stuff so sorry for any retarded questions

My contract ends with sprint on June 1, and i am considering switching to alltel since the touch pro is listed on their since for $80.

Is alltel a good carrier for this phone? I only want them since they seem like the cheapest.

Do you think i should get this, or wait for the touch pro 2 even if its with a different carrier? (i love how the touch pro 2 looks but dont really feel like waiting)

Will a touch pro with a custom rom be better than a touch pro 2 with its regular rom?

Will it take a while for a custom rom to come out on the touch pro 2? Will i really need it?

Is the alltel version a CDMA or GSM phone?

Is there a step by step youtube video to help me unlock/flash/get a custom rom on the touch pro? i find it hard to follow some of these forums

Any other thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks for your time guys
Alltel as far as could be told by the experiences of others here is a good provider. Recently acquired by Verizon. It's all relative.

Other than the obvious screen size difference. TP2 has the better conferencing capabilities, updated TF3D interface (for those who like it and by that I mean TF3D), the tilting screen and seems to be all around more optimized to use its processor (all-be-it the same processor as the 1st gen TP).

Depends on your personal definition of "better".

Alltel = CDMA

Look here for any assistance:

Most of our current TP users will be jumping ship, to either Pre or TP2. I personally will stay with the TP (1st gen) until I hear more news on WiMaX/LTE hardware. Or any hardware compatibility issues with WinMo7 when it is announce, preliminary info states that neither the TP or TP2 will be upgradeable to WinMo7.

Last edited by intrlude; 06-04-2009 at 05:50 AM. Reason: For more detail.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 12:23 PM
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Re: Please help me decide where my money goes!

i would wait to see what new devices come up there my be a few in the next couple of months
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: Please help me decide where my money goes!

Thanks for your help guys. The only reason i dont really want to continue with sprint is they have gotten my bill wrong a number of times and i have had bad experience with their customer service. But if they are the first to get the touch pro 2 in june i may stick with them if they give me a good deal. Does anyone know if there is a big difference in price in the data plan (and minutes) between sprint and alltel? (i need a family plan of 4)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: Please help me decide where my money goes!

Their family plan for unlimited data/messaging and 500 min is $89.99 first line, add $30 for each additional smart phone or add $20 for each regular. I have been with alltel for awhile, and their service is pretty decent and their reps have always been helpful.

P.S. don't forget to ask about the 15% discount for some companies, or in my case all public school employees. Just found out about this after 4 years...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 01:45 PM
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Re: Please help me decide where my money goes!

i dunno much about alltell itself but i'm sure it's got great service for being acquired by verizon.

you can wait for the new devices since they'll have a few nicer things, like smaller hardware buttons and a bigger screen. the first tp was actually pretty good, so if you were to get one today i'm sure you'd like it. there's already a wealth of ROMs and mods and apps for it. but i'd suggest you wait a little for the tp2 if you're in no rush.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-30-2009, 01:56 PM
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Re: Please help me decide where my money goes!

Thanks again guys. Im probably going to go with the touch pro with alltel just because im on a bit of a budget. The touch pro on sprint is listed at $300 versus alltel's $80, and the touch pro 2 may even cost more. It just doesnt seem worth the extra $220 for the next version of the same phone. Hopefully i will be able to install the custom rom by myself but if i need help i know where to go
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