Email Notifications Chime Failing
I have a Sprint HTC Pro Touch or raph800 and through no one elses fault but my owen ive some how deleted some settings on my phone i was messing around with Pocket Mechanic and deleted some what it called bad or broken registery key so i clicked fix
then i noticed after awhile my new email chimes were no longer working
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877 D65A-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}
AvailableOptions REG_DWORD 11
Default REG_SZ Messaging:New e-mail message
Duration REG_DWORD 5
Options REG_DWORD 1
Wave REG_SZ \Windows\Rring-Waterfall.wma
these are the current settings for the reg file as i have it on my phone
so if any one has the orginal reg file or knows the orginal configuration
or maybe can point out whats wrong with mine so i can make the changes
as i miss the new email chime
Thanks for the help and ya im a PPC newbie