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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2009, 10:21 PM
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My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

I have never been thrilled by the TP's flat face. After trying 4 or 5 screen lock programs and feeling like they had missed the mark for me, I reluctantly bought a hard case as I could not find a stick on bezel. It was not to protect the phone as much as it was to get a raised bezel, around the screen, to keep it from getting pushed when it turned on or rang in my pocket. It did the trick but it was bulky and a pain in the butt to take off. So, when I decided last night to order the bigger 3000mah battery I didnt know what I would do to protect my screen. I dont think there are any hard cases for it and even if there were it would rival my netboot in thickness. Again, I searched for a stick on bezel and could not find such a product. Thus, I decided to undergo case surgery. It turned out very well IMO and I thought I would share. It is pretty easy and very inexpensive. I think some who just want a bit more protection for their screen or folks who might not want to use a screen lock app may want to try it. I am now going to use some sort of invisashield to protect the buttons and chrome.

The case i used is $7 shipped from cell phone shop.com


All I did was cut the top piece, with a sharp razor knife, leaving just the bezel. It was a bit of trial and error but after a few minutes I figured out the best approach. If interested I will share. After that I just used permanent (not really, that is just what Scotch tape calls it) double stick tape and stuck it on. It is very secure and not going anywhere. I have used all day like normal and by evening sort of forgot it was there. The bezel looks the same as when it was the full case but now its just that portion. I have attached pics.
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File Type: jpg IMG_1647.JPG (42.7 KB, 351 views) Click for barcode!
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File Type: jpg IMG_1648.JPG (40.9 KB, 216 views) Click for barcode!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2009, 01:52 PM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

Originally Posted by mikenerd View Post
I have never been thrilled by the TP's flat face. After trying 4 or 5 screen lock programs and feeling like they had missed the mark for me, I reluctantly bought a hard case as I could not find a stick on bezel. It was not to protect the phone as much as it was to get a raised bezel, around the screen, to keep it from getting pushed when it turned on or rang in my pocket. It did the trick but it was bulky and a pain in the butt to take off. So, when I decided last night to order the bigger 3000mah battery I didnt know what I would do to protect my screen. I dont think there are any hard cases for it and even if there were it would rival my netboot in thickness. Again, I searched for a stick on bezel and could not find such a product. Thus, I decided to undergo case surgery. It turned out very well IMO and I thought I would share. It is pretty easy and very inexpensive. I think some who just want a bit more protection for their screen or folks who might not want to use a screen lock app may want to try it. I am now going to use some sort of invisashield to protect the buttons and chrome.

The case i used is $7 shipped from cell phone shop.com


All I did was cut the top piece, with a sharp razor knife, leaving just the bezel. It was a bit of trial and error but after a few minutes I figured out the best approach. If interested I will share. After that I just used permanent (not really, that is just what Scotch tape calls it) double stick tape and stuck it on. It is very secure and not going anywhere. I have used all day like normal and by evening sort of forgot it was there. The bezel looks the same as when it was the full case but now its just that portion. I have attached pics.
ehh, i'm not digging that too much man...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2009, 03:02 PM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

yeah.. that looks like you glued a piece of plastic to your phone. i'm unsure of how that would protect it from anything besides if you have a tendency of throwing it on your desk face first or something.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2009, 03:05 PM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

I like it! It is annoying accidently touching the screen or whatever. Thanks for sharing!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

I personally love the flat face, I put a hard plastic case on it and took it off 5 minutes later when I got annoyed trying to pinpoint the x button
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 12:19 AM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

Thanks for looking y'all. I knew most would not like but, I thought maybe someone else was in the same boat not liking a flat screen. definitely function over beauty and black bezel over clear would be better. Trying to give back for all the help I have received here in the last 6 months. Cheers
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 08:44 AM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

It's cool...I always miss the recessed screen from the 6700(among other things) so any step closer is helpful...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 10:31 AM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

How much bulk does that actually add to the phone?

Especially if you are planning on tossing in a big ol' extended battery, which pretty much means new back cover, it might be pushing the clunk factor beyond what I would carry around on me for everyday use.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 11:06 AM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

Aesthetically, on a scale of 1-10, I give it a 2. Although we're all about customization and mods here, so if you like it, and you benefit from it, then that's great!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: My Touch Pro Mod - Stick on Bezel

I don't get it.

I like the raised edge myself, but why didn't you just use the whole front piece??

I use a black Seidio INNOCASE & that gives the edge around the screen & looks a whole lot better than that??

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