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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:10 PM
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Is My Pro Possessed?

I've tried to search for these symptoms but not finding anything. I apologize if I have just missed it. Got the TP last week. Flashed to Mighty 4.16, but just didn't think it was for me with no voice dialing and some of the changes. Flashed back to Chappy's Hermann stock and added the touch pro cleanup. Phone acted weird as heck, so I reflashed with Hermann stock.exe and did nothing else except a hard reset after it was done installing. The erratic behavior problems remain. Examples:

1. touching items on the screen often does nothing or does something else. (examples are touching "phone" on the lower left-hand side or "inbox" when it's on the lower lefthand side. If you select the email icon from the main screen, it will show you an email icon but you can't get into the inbox. clicking "inbox" either does nothing or just visually scrolls through the emails by changing that envelope icon of what the email is. Also when using email, it will randomly start prompting to delete emails, send blank emails, etc. Sometimes you can't even get it to let you select "send receive" from the menu options -- it just flashes and goes away.

2. Trying to dial on the dialpad, after entering a couple digits, it starts dialing a contact at random. (I don't have people in as speed dials yet). Right now it's showing a dialpad and then a person's number up above. Hitting the home icon dials the number. hitting the X in the right corner dials the number. This person is going to think I'm insane. I've never dialed so many people I didn't mean to the entire time I've had a cell phone! (finally just did a soft reset lest I called her the fourth time in 4 minutes.)

As it stands now, this thing is almost not useable and that's a shame. I like the looks and form of it, but if I can't even use it as a phone, well, I'm going to have to go back to my Mogul. I had flashed my 6700 and had no problems at all. I've done reg edits on the 6700 and the Mogul too without incident. Any advice greatly appreciated. If I've done something to screw this phone up, please help me fix it! Thanks so much.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: Is My Pro Possessed?

you might have to hard reset and start over. i flashed an upgrade rom once and had the same issues as you and had to flash it 3 times before everything acted right.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:22 PM
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Re: Is My Pro Possessed?

did u hard reset after u flashed, sometimes things are left over in the ram that will cause problems

if u already did that i would suggest trying a different rom & if it still happens like that then get a replacement

Dank-Ass Robba

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: Is My Pro Possessed?

Yes, I did a hard reset but will do another. Also, I have downloaded the StockPsrintHermanOsBig rar and thought if I needed to reflash I'd try a different version of the stock. Can somebody remind me/point me to where to go to use the rar? Been too long since I messed with this stuff.

Now I'm kicking myself for flashing the phone at all. I liked it the first day I had it and it worked fine. I just wanted to improve battery life and see what I was missing. sigh.

Any other ideas, input appreciated. If I have to put it back to stock before I take it in, I'm gonna need a to-do list so I don't screw up!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:37 PM
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Re: Is My Pro Possessed?

To unpack a rar file you need some software.. free... I use WinRar.

A rar file is the samething as a ZIP file.

Available to download here
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: Is My Pro Possessed?

Oh, that's right. I have it unzipped and I have the RUU utility unzipped on the desktop. Do I rename the stocksprinthermann nbh file to "ruu_signed.nbh"? Didn't see renaming nbh in the instructions on the sticky thread.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:56 PM
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Re: Is My Pro Possessed?

I had same problem....i ended up flashing like 6 times before all the stuff would work right. Maybe you could flash to another rom...there are a lot of them out there. good luck
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: Is My Pro Possessed?

Okay, I renamed the herman ruu and now it's flashing again. Dang, I am gonna learn to quit while I'm ahead (who am I kidding?) I'll just flash it, hard reset and try to use it as a phone with no contacts or anything. if it works, i'll slowly rebuild or just keep flashing. I just had somebody ask me why I sent them 3 blank emails. sigh.

Also, is it just me or can it be hard to get this thing into hard reset? I never had any trouble with the 6700 or 6800 but half the time with this one I just end up powering it up or down.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 08:06 PM
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Re: Is My Pro Possessed?

Well, you guys are right -- I think. It appears persistence pays. The last time I flashed, my husband told me to yank the battery too for good measure. So we flashed, removed the battery, reset, etc., and (deep breath and crossed fingers) it's acting normally. I've got my contacts on and my email's working and all the buttons do what they say they will. Going to wait another day before I put on the new screen protector, just in case it decides to turn on me again.

I still find it hard to put through a hard reset, though. Hopefully I'm done with that for a while!!!
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