Sprint TV error, found a possible fix!
I don't know why this works or if it will work for you bur it fixed mine.
First - Start/Settings/Connections/Connections. Should bring you to your connection Settings, Tap Manage Existing Connections, Should have your data connection name and # (in my case Data #777) If not make sure you are on the Modem tab. Tap and hold your data connection and then DELETE it. Now tap the new button.
Enter a name for the connection - SprintPCS
Select a modem - Cellular Line
Tap Next
Enter the number exactly as it should be dialed - #777
Tap Next
Last page asks for a User Name and password - DO NOT ENTER ANY INFO, JUST HIT FINISH!
Now back at the Modem tab it should have SprintPCS #777
Tap ok until you get back to today screen. Now open Sprint TV. You will get a Network Log On dialog box asking for User name, password, Domain - LEAVE ALL BLANK, ONLY CHECK THE SAVE PASSWORD BOX THEN OK.
Now enjoy your sprint TV.
Hope this helps some of you out, if so I could use 1 or 2 Thanks.